straight to the point,
after erection, wearing condom and penetration, my bf’s dick gets bigger than before in the middle of the intercourse – when he is more aroused i guess.
and a condom either fell out/ripped off. is this a common thing? or we are doing it in a wrong way? need an advice.

  1. if it’s slipping off it’s the wrong size, is he getting soft during sex? that can do it too but usually it’s you need a smaller condom

  2. Normally this shouldn’t happen too often. It can always happen that a condom tears when business it very active. But as mentioned before slipping off only happens when it’s the wrong size.

    Also the quality of condoms is important. Good quality condoms are really stretchable and normally don’t break. Cheap ones on the other hand are sometimes really poor in their durability. I once bought very cheap ones and nearly all of them ripped during penetration.

  3. Use an appropriate size then. A condom can slip or break if the size is not fitting for the dick.

  4. Check sizing like everyone else says. A drop of lube on the inside might help with any possible ripping issues if that is a problem as well. Obviously be careful cause too much could make it slip off easier.

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