I’ve started getting on top recently and I just cannot stay up there for long periods of time. Which sucks bc I constantly have to stop and it ruins the “that feels so good” sensation. I’m usually squatting like a frog, so using my feet to support me, and I also use my bf’s shoulders or arms for support, but my legs and knees still get tired and start to hurt. So like what are some easy things I could literally just do at home that’ll help me stay on top longer?

  1. Deep squats with your body weight. You could add weight to further build strength. Keep your back straight.

    Deep one leg lunges. Keep your back straight – looking up helps.

    Wall squats.


    Deep partner stretches – warm up and cool down. Stretch your planter fascia to prevent fascitis

    Core exercises – build strength and endurance

    And cardio to your hearts content. Running is particularly good but rough on the knees

    As always, check with your medical provider before starting any exercise regimen.

  2. Fun thought: one of the things you can do at home to get better at being on top is to…be on top of him.

    Have fun practicing!

  3. Try knees and toes on the bed. Hands beside his shoulders or on his chest. Use up and forward motion and down and back. Add in some motion by changing the arch in your back and stomach. Ask him if you can ride him for practice while he watch’s tv or browses the net.

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