I was out with friends a few weeks ago had a very interesting night and got a girl we had some fun in the taxi while her 3 friends were there we went to her friends apartment as she stayed there. We were both obv a bit drunk had some fun in the other room while her friends were in the bedroom. I got her instagram and rushed out of the apartment the next day as I had to go to work. Waited a day before I started chatting. We both showed interest in each other and started chatting regularly. Some pretext she lives in a different city and we both work from day to night and have personal stuff so its hard to see each other. We finally set a day three weeks later and it’s almost here in the past few days she went cold on me, she was texting me almost every day stuff like:
What’s up
How’s your day
Asking about me
As I said the last few days she hasn’t done it and our date is in a few days, I am aware that girls do this so I didn’t hesitate to pull out and stop texting and going cold too. She is online from time to time but we haven’t texted for 2 days. What do you think did the attraction die and she just found someone else or she just needs space. I’ve posted last month, I just need some advice as I am interested in what females think and do when this happens.

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