I noticed a drastic change in me this January. I (17 F) have been with my partner (18 M) for 6 months now. Every since we’ve started dating I found myself acting more “girly” I guess you could say.

Before him I was using they/ them pronouns, dressing more masculine, identifying as a lesbian and disconnecting myself from anything feminine. I had been acting this way since I was 10. Because of this I felt very isolated and misunderstood, leading to the thought that no one would love me, I’m too different. However, for the past 6 months I’ve completely tapped into my fem side.

I’ve been growing my hair out and styling it/taking good care of it; I shave more often than usual and wear light make up when going out; I wear more skirts and dresses and more feminine clothing; she/ her feels really good and I love being seen as a girl. I still like women but not at the point she I block men out completely. My partner has shown me a part of my sexuality that I hadn’t even considered, and he makes me feel like a pretty girl 🥰💖

I’m not complaining, I love him and I love how he makes me feel comfortable in my own skin and to embrace my “girly” side! I am curious if others have experienced something like this after getting into a relationship, and if it’s a long term change that’s healthy.

  1. You’re young and growing, it’s good that you feel nice around him! It’s fully up to you to decide whether or not you like the new version of you better though

  2. You’re growing up and finding yourself and your own balance, that’s pretty much the most healthy way you could grow up

  3. Your so young, you’re still discovering your identity so it’s not too surprising that it’s appearing to change as you get older and have new experiences.

    Have you talked about any of this with your boyfriend? He might like to hear how much you trust him and how happy you are that he’s enabling you to explore aspects of your identity that you weren’t aware of before.

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