I have been with my bf for 2 years and he used to be so caring, attentive, loving, and made me feel so loved and special. Now, 2 years later I don’t recognize him anymore. He’s cold, ignores me and gets mad easily. This change happened a couple month ago seemingly overnight.

He says he feels numb, he hates his job and says that he can’t help himself. He says he loves and cares about me more than anything and has wanted to leave bc he hates hurting me but I dont understand how someone can change so fast. I know he’s struggling mentally and with booze and I want to get him help, im so worried.

I know he has good in him because he was able to be a good boyfriend for 2 years so I don’t understand.

I dont have any friends because of the pandemic and I’m not sure how to make friends anymore besides online ones. I don’t even have a car. I feel confused and hurt.

To make things worse, my brother passed away earlier this year and my grandma is sick in the hospital so without my bf I have no one. I know it’s toxic but I can’t bring myself to leave because I’m already depressed and this year has been the worst.

I’m bawling as I write this because I see the end of the relationship and I miss who he used to be.

Please don’t flame me, I’m hurt enough and wish I was stronger.

On the bright side I’ll be starting therapy soon so yay.

Please give me support, I really need some right now.

How can I help him? If I can’t, How can I move on with no supports in place?

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