I have noticed that criminals often like to brag about their crimes either in person or on the internet. If on the internet, they usually tell the story from the perspective of the victim in order to gain sympathy.

What have you noticed about the behaviour of criminals and sociopaths?

  1. Criminals tend to overtly press their ‘power’ onto you where as sociopaths tend to undermine with theirs.

    Read situations know when to stead fast like a wall or give the illusion of submission of power while stalling for back up.

  2. The first thing I noticed was that something like a real life sociopath doesn’t exist. True, there are people, criminals that show certain sociopathic behaviour. But none is a “complete” sociopath since that is near impossible and can only achieved by using extremely monitored conditions and narrow parameters on a very tight and controlled group of people.

    And about the bragging: There are a lot of criminals who don’t like to brag. Because they’re not criminals for the glory and the reputation, but because they like what they’re doing and don’t want to be caught.

  3. As someone with very sociopathic tendencies I would take offence to being lumped in with criminals but frankly I don’t care

  4. I think most the behaviors you see listed here are the behaviors of the profoundly stupid and egotistical.

    Tons of criminals exist who go their entire lives without getting caught or being convicted.

    And an intelligent sociopath isn’t going to advertise a dangerous personality like that to the world. They’ll realize the social implications of it and try their best to act normal.

    It’s like house spiders.

    Humans help them evolve and persist by killing the stupid ones who are foolish or careless enough to get caught.

  5. >I have noticed that criminals often like to brag about their crimes either in person or on the internet.

    “I hate to admit it, but I have to say Thank God for Narcisissm.”

    – one of the senior instructors (forgot his name) at the FBI’s Behavioral Analysist Unit on the topic of psychopaths seemingly inherent need to ‘take credit’ for their violent crimes. Be it contacting the press, leaving clues and taking trophies.

  6. someone who brags about crimes they’ve supposedly committed hasn’t actually done anything, they’re just trying to sound badass

  7. They will keep pushing your boundaries/limits of what “unacceptable” behavior is, by trying out more and more “unacceptable” things. Eg. they make a cruel joke, and if you don’t call them out or stop them they will try something more unacceptable eg a sexual comment about your gf.

  8. both of them have a history of studying people and know how to con. A lot of crimes involve others as victims. You have to be in proximity to a victim or at least know personality traits well enough to know how to pursue victims

    They literally study the stuff day and night.

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