ex keeps texting me

Me (F20) and my ex (M24) kept in contact even after break up because we keep saying we “need each other.” We originally broke up since he wanted to text his ex behind my back&even met up with her. Ive done things back to hurt him after I found that out. I know 2 wrongs don’t make a right but I was truly hurt. I take accountability for things I’ve done wrong and apologized. Unlike him.
It’s very confusing where we stand. He tells me we won’t get back together unless I have 3+ years of therapy and start “treating him right.” Keep in mind , he lives states away now since he moved to expand his music career so I don’t know how I can treat him right when we don’t see each other physically as often and we rarely text since he barely texts me back except at night. He tells me he doesn’t want anyone else except me but wants to “make friends.”
My feelings are all over the place now. Especially since he came back to my state to visit his dad for 2 weeks. For 2 weeks we acted like a couple, brought my hopes up again. Today was his last day. I started crying because I will miss him (I have this unhealthy attachment, I know.) and I was overthinking how about if he already has someone back in his state yet he was so loving with me these past 2 weeks.
I asked him calmly if he has another. So I can take myself out of the equation and move on. He lashed out on me. Said I’m annoying for asking that and how he doesn’t. He started screaming in my face how I’m annoying and how I have no right to ask that. Cursed and even hit my hand when I tried to hug him to calm down. He then screamed at me “get the f**k out of my house and get out of my sight before I do something I regret.” I got scared and got out and drove home sobbing.
I’m sick to my stomach and very depressed. He basically told me to leave him alone. Ever since I left his house though , he had been nonstop texting me. Asking if I made it home. As well as to answer. Then he goes , “I saw your story” keep in mind. I have him blocked on everything so I don’t know how he’s seeing my story.
I don’t get why HES texting me after all of that? I want to ghost him because he has truly hurt me & scared me away. I know I don’t deserve that. Although , I don’t know if I should text him back? My heart is telling me to but my head is saying no.

  1. I’d block him on everything, ignore any further contact, let him know you’re not interested in talking anymore. Let him know that if he does, unfortunately, you’ll have to take it up to the next step with contacting law enforcement because you’re feeling uncomfortable and unsafe.

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