Hey, i recently went on a break with my partner. She has done nothing wrong, she is beautiful and kind and clever and overall the best but we are in our early 20s and I’ve been with her since I was 15, and I’m scared of living a life I will regret.

If I had a genie tomorrow I’d wish to be so deeply and madly in love with her that I’d never feel this way, and I’m sure she feels that way about me, but instead we are on a break while I have moved to America for the summer. This was of my doing and not mutual

How do I stop feeling like I’m missing out on fun, how do I make myself love someone as much as they love me when they’re already perfect. I am so fed up of feeling this way and I just want to be happy and either move on or stay with her forever

  1. You are very young and honestly I think this is the right thing. You can’t make yourself love someone. It doesn’t work that way. Maybe you can fall for, but even then it’s not even close to a sure thing.

    Reflect on what you really want right now and accept if you’ve lost feelings, maybe it’s time to permanently move on.

  2. Use this time apart to focus on you, develop yourself ask what you really want in your life and from a partner

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