I don’t whant to pay for a year of services when all I want is to wach the Glastonbury coverage.

  1. I pay my license fee monthly. Can’t you just do that and then cancel it after you’re done? Perhaps not, maybe it ties you into a year contract regardless.

  2. Not sure if this helps but I watch iPlayer at my local library – they have a public licence

  3. The licence fee vultures are bastards and relentless, but they aren’t going to smash your door in and do you for not having a licence if you lie and watch one weekend’s worth of TV for free.

  4. 38%

    Upvote Rate

    Man, you guys really hate the licence fee that much. The fact that 90% of the comments are “fuck the BBC and fuck their licence fee” is actually kind of disappointing.

    Yes, I have been watching and the production values on putting on basically live concerts on 5 stages for 12h per day has to be worth a tenner. shame there’s no way of paying like that.

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