Since the start of our relationship 1 year ago, my (26M) girlfriend (27F) always had pretty long pubic hair. Even if it’s a turn off for me I looked past it because it didnt appear to be that big of a deal at the begining. But now its starting to make me loose interest sexually speaking. I feel like an asshole for wanting her to change her body for me, because i believe i dont have the right to expect that from her, but at the same time i don’t want this to affect this amazing relationship i have with her. She also implied in past conversations that she wouldnt want to shave. How can i bring the topic? I’m afraid bringing it up would make her self concious about it. Should i just suck it up and move past it?

  1. I mean, you can talk about it but it won’t make your relationship better. No one who is made to think their body is unattractive by their lover is going to feel *more* attraction to that lover or be more excited to have sex with them. Quite the opposite.

    So either learn to accept it or break up. Telling her isn’t doing her a kindness; it’s to serve your interests, not hers.

    Edit: there’s a middle ground. Ask if she’d be down to trim it back and say it’s to make oral sex easier.

  2. It’s not like the only options are shaved/waxed and long. Would she be ok with trimming?

  3. I had this conversation with my partner when she finally started relaxing with oral sex … and wanting it more. I just said it would be easier for me with short trimmed … not shaved or waxed, but just not 2-3” pubes that get caught in my mouth. It went fine.

  4. Dude just say you think it would be hot to shave. Tell her you’ll shave too if she wants. It’s not a huge deal. I don’t like shaving but if my partner said it would turn em on I would. It’s not a deal breaker haha. That’s a pretty easy thing to compromise on

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