My 3 year boyfriend became my ex less than a week ago. We were living together so unfortunately, I have to see him to get that sorted out and move out.

He filmed a reaction video of him telling his best friend he broke up with me and he wants to put it on TikTok. He showed it to me and when I saw it I got really upset saying it was disrespectful and immature to air out our private life like that for likes and views. He didn’t understand why I was so upset and said I am uptight.

I feel like anyone would be upset about this? What does everyone think? How do I explain this to him?

**tl;dr**:How do I explain to my ex-boyfriend that he was being disrespectful.

  1. okay, so did he break up with you or did you break up with him? if it’s the former he’s kind of trying to humiliate you and that is really disrespectful. if it’s the latter, he’s just being childish

  2. It sounds like the point was to upset you. You can’t explain anything to him or make him understand anything he doesn’t want to. Just get out of there as quickly and easily as you can.

  3. Sounds like he wanted to be hurtful and it’s time to simply move on, he’s not going to understand and that’s why it’s best you’ve broken up.

  4. > How do I explain to my ex-boyfriend that he was being disrespectful.

    No need. He knows and is doing this deliberately, in order to hurt you. You need to get away from him asap. I know it doesn’t feel that way now, but I promise you you’ll be looking back on this breakup and feel glad the trash took itself out.

  5. He’s a 30 year old man vlogging drama on TikTok. Sounds to me like you dodged a nuclear sized bullet.

  6. If he does post this video, I suggest you post one also. Tell all women what an asshole is he (he broke up with you, and then filmed your reaction for likes). They will not want to date him. That’s pretty aberrant behavior.

  7. Don’t bother. Ask a larger man friend to go back with you and remove the rest of your things. Let him know you won’t be speaking with him directly again. Your friend will be doing all the talking. When you are there, if he tries to talk to you, ask your man friend to step in between you and tell him to back off.

    He’s just being abusive to you to hurt you. Now you make it clear there will be no more chances. Block his socials everywhere.

  8. Good thing you broke up with him, he sounds childish for doing that. I would definitely be upset

  9. You dodged a fucking bullet. I missed the ages here and would have guessed 19? 20? A 30 year old grown man is doing this. Good fucking riddance.

  10. Imagine being 30 years old and acting like this. He’s a loser.

  11. Don’t try to explain because he will enjoy and do more. You have to make it seem as you couldn’t give a shit about immature and pathetic Tik Tok. I imagine if that’s his nature you might have got off easy and the jokes on him because I’m sure he will do something even worse in future.

  12. You can’t explain to him. He was deliberately cruel and well aware of it. Leopards don’t shed their spots. Move on and respect yourself totally then you can meet a man who knows your worth.

  13. Why are you still talking to him? He sounds like an asshole and clearly doesn’t value your feelings. He knows what he’s doing. Keep him out of your life, trust me.

  14. You’re not crazy. He’s being a huge asshole. I am so sorry.

    Reading your post, the first thing I thought was “SHIT IN HIS SHOE!!”, but that’s not practical advice. It’s just an honest reaction to how shitty he’s being. Some people really suck.

    (I had a really shitty ex once, and my cat shat right next to his shoe the first time he came over. A shit of justice.)

  15. You two broke up,so he doesn’t need to care about you opinion.he just want to see the reaction of his friends and by putting out there is to get attention (ofcourse).maybe it is his way of moving forward just clearing out the whole situation to the internet.and there nothing about you can do.because he did not talk degrade about you.he just told everyone he broke up with you.if you are not ready to accept that means you need to tell him ,but he can do whatever he wants.
    Because if he doesn’t want you to date other just because he is not ready or doesn’t want you date means you wouldn’t care right?like that only.

  16. You don’t explain it to him.

    He’s an ex for a reason. The fact he doesn’t understand why any one would get upset over such a video is a sign of how juvenile he is.

    Keep on moving forward and don’t look back. He can do what he wants. In the end it’ll just make him look like an idiot.

    He doesn’t deserve you. Remember that. He doesn’t deserve your time, your thoughts or your words.

  17. That is really embarrassing. I know more than anything you want him to understand your perspective, but he won’t and it’s just not worth it. I’ve spent too much time after breakups trying to achieve this and I really needn’t have bothered. Just tell him it’s embarrassing and block him. Don’t engage anymore. Go to the gym, get a hobby, meet friends, write a journal. Just distract yourself until the worst is over. Someday you will cringe that you were ever with him I promise (if you aren’t already).

  18. Hun ima give it to you straight. He’s an ass. Not worth your time, I need you to buck up and show him you could careless. Stop giving him the power to hurt you.

  19. Tell him you don’t consent to him posting a video of you on TT and if he does you’ll take legal action. You may have to get an attorney to write a cease and desist letter.

  20. You don’t. Because he knows.
    That’s why he did it.

    And you trying to explain it to him
    WHILE he PRETENDS to not understand is part of the joke.
    On you.

    The real joke is that he thinks he is getting one over on you.
    But he’s making himself look like the petty puke he is.

  21. 1st red flag: a 30 year old man that makes tiktoks like that

  22. Make a reaction video telling your friends how he has a small pee pee and he can only use it for a minute!

    What a petty little man!

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