What’s more American than riding down a runway on a motorcycle as a fighter jet takes off while Highway to the Danger Zone plays and a bald eagle soars overhead?

  1. Taking your American made 4×4 pickup out To BLM land to shoot a 1911 and an AR15 on 4th of July while lighting off mortar fireworks and grilling in the background.

  2. Doing wheelies on a quad down Broadway with two hundred of your buddies doing the same thing

    It’s just something I don’t picture happening in not-America

  3. Having Diabetes and not being able to afford the insulin *and* food, electricity or rent.

  4. Riding down a runway on a motorcycle as a fighter jet takes off while Highway to the Danger Zone plays and a bald Eagle soars overhead while wearing an American flag as a cape

  5. A fat guy stuffing his face with cheesy poofs and wiping his hands in his Trump shirt watching both going “take that libs”

  6. little known follow-up, afterwards they dressed up in giant eagle costumes and fucked a tank while singing yankee doodle

    ah, patriotism

  7. Nothing. The answer is nothing.

    Though playing beach volleyball in your jeans does also rate highly as does teetering on the precipice of kissing your best friend right on the lips, but you musn’t. You simply musn’t.

  8. If you were being chased by the cops and eating mcdonalds while you were doing it

  9. Having a debate and listening to the entire point of view and statement of the person you are debating with before responding. Even if you think the other person is a pinhead.

  10. Someone get Kenny Loggins on the phone because this post is in the Danger Zone.

  11. Breaking your back working two shit, low paid jobs in a warehouse or Mcdonalds somewhere for shit pay for 30 years then dying of cancer because you can’t afford the medical bills thereby leaving your family in debt for the rest of their natural lives 🙂

    There might however be the chance of a Bald Eagle shitting on your head on the way home from one of your jobs on a lovely, sunny evening. No doubt with your innate, asinine sense of optimism and belief in The American Dream you will see it as a sign of good luck and fortune waiting just around the corner 😀

  12. I had something similar. I got to watch my car drag race an F-16 down a runway. My car was winning till the cheater started actually flying.

    ETA: I should have mentioned, my car was a highly modified 1300+HP Viper vs the Fighting Falcon “Viper” which reportedly has a wee few more HP than my car.

  13. There aren’t any bald eagles around Miramar. I feel like Beale AFB is more in the ecological range of bald eagles.

    That being said, I don’t ride motocycles, but I’ve definitely been driving when fighter jets take off. You can’t do this because of the runways of north island and the relative speeds of watercraft vs. cars/aircraft, but when I’ve been driving boats I’ve been buzzed by all sorts of military aircraft, mostly helicopters, bunch of cobras and apaches and stuff, blackhawks, Ospreys (which, we do have a bunch of Ospreys here), the only fixed wing planes I see flying low altitude are prop legacy type planes, like P-51 Mustang, zeros, etc.

    Up more near La Jolla you get buzzed by A LOT of Ospreys, but lots of F-18s will fly along the coast up there as well, at fairly low altitude. It’s not like buzzing the ground, but it’s not 30k feet. This is for the beach, you will see a lot of military flying down the beach if you surf around La Jolla.

  14. Playing Yankee Doodle, star spangled banner, battle cry of freedom and battle hymn of republic while eating a Big Mac woth a coke and shooting your ar15 and 1911 in the desert with your bald eagle named freedom. Is this answer 2american4u?

  15. Drinking a skunked beer, smoking a j, and eating fresh caught crawdads out of a stream. While sitting on the tailgate of your 20 plus year old 4×4 parked illegally next to your cooking fire (also illegal) on a rock bar in the middle of said stream.. Where you are cooking the crawdads in beer cans you cut the top off. Tyler Childers playing in the background.

  16. Bombing country that has nothing to do with terrorists attack in your own and be best buddies with country that did it.

  17. Hanging 120mm mortars in country with a huge dip of Copenhagen snuff in your lip, while listening to “Fortunate son”.

  18. Depends, where is the fighter jet going? If it’s Vietnam the rule is the song must be Fortunate Son

  19. As an American, the only thing I can think of that’s more American than that is ***getting turned down at the hospital because they don’t take your insurance***.

  20. While traveling and camping across the U S and Canada in 1971 I spent the Fourth of July in some small town in Nevada, who’s name I forget, at a terrific all day rodeo and then that night at a delicious BBQ dinner and an awesome fireworks show the town put on. It felt like the most American thing I’ve ever done.

  21. Respecting the opinions of others who exercise their right of free speech by saying that America is an awful place to live, even though you disagree with them.

  22. An unspecified pill based opioid addiction, and a family who won’t talk to you because of all the shit you’ve stolen from them, except for your broken hearted mother who can’t bring herself to stop enabling you even though she’s bought her own stuff back from the pawn shop at least three times.

  23. Riding down that runway to a black family of 5 with a shotgun and malicious intent /s

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