To make it short and sweet, I (26M) am transgender (female-to-male), straight (only attracted to women), strictly monogamous, autistic, fairly average looking but very short in stature, shorter than most women I look to date (although I still pass as a cis man, so I have that going for me). I feel like all of this combined leaves my dating pool very small.

I fairly recently got out of a long-term relationship with a woman I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with, and I am still healing from the breakup. However, I’m still trying to at least put myself out there. I’ve been on numerous different dating apps and haven’t had success on any of them. I’m lucky to get one like or match every few weeks despite swiping on women every day. I’ve also been trying to go to in-person venues like book and art clubs, but I can’t help but freeze up and not say a word at those places due to the combination of my autism and social anxiety. My self-confidence is very low, even though I try to present myself otherwise.

I want to believe I can love again, but I don’t know how I’m going to get there. I’ll have to find a woman that will accept that I’m autistic, accept that I’m trans, accept that I’m not interested in open relationships. I had that with my ex-girlfriend and I’m not sure if I’ll ever find that again. I guess I’m posting here to ask what I can do to keep trying to meet people, or at least keep up the motivation to keep trying despite failing over and over.

1 comment
  1. I feel ya. MTF, here. We’re a small subset of the population. Just something you have to accept.

    You’re seeking a woman that’s okay with dating a transgender man. Very small number of the population is interested in that relationship.

    That doesn’t mean never, though, so the trick is to make yourself ready for when the day comes. Mental health, fitness, getting your life in order, and becoming 1% better every day.

    Partners should complement you – not complete you.

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