Content: I want to do a group hobby where I can do casually with with no intent of getting closer to those people. I want casual friends where I can do the hobby, do it, go home and that it. I don’t want those people to know me except for the game and I don’t want to share major components of myself or my life to them. In previous hobby groups I don’t really get interested in the lives of others, I Just want to play the game and go home. I’m on the spectrum and high functioning. I have a few questions.

1. How do I let people know that I don’t wish for close friendship without hurting them?
2. Do I owe people friendship by virtue of being in the same hobby group?
3. How do I prevent people from getting aggro I won’t spend time outside of that specific hobby day?

I am asking because I am not normal and I know it but I don’t want people to think I should be seeking friends and giving me all these replies why I should be but rather strategies on casual friendships.

1 comment
  1. In my experience, it takes work and intentional actions to develop friendships from casual groups. I don’t think you really need to do anything tbh.

    If others invite you to things and you don’t want to go, just say you’re busy. After a couple attempts, they’ll stop asking.

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