Few days ago, I met my *”friend”* and it felt awkward for some reason…

Few years ago, we used to work for a toxic company and we became rant buddies at the time. When I left the company, I tried keeping our connection by opening topics about our mutual interests or hobbies. She only answered one-liners, maybe a phrase as the longest response.

I finally gave up contacting her until one day, she asked me to see her. I was wondering maybe she’ll get me into MLM but I went anyways just to try reconnecting…

When we met (after a long time) over coffee, I shared whatever stuff in my mind and asked her how is she doing only to end up receiving the same one-liners and she was even on browsing on her smartphone while I was speaking.

I just ended up sipping my coffee, contemplating if I’m boring her to death or maybe we’re not meant to be friends anymore…

1 comment
  1. Sometimes friendships are based purely on the situation you’re in. I find this happens a lot with co-worker built friendships.

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