I really need one. Pls recommend if you have any in mind

  1. None so far; I consume very limited youtube content, and I never found a channel that will improve my social skills.

  2. I’m barely working on putting his advice to use, but one of my favorites it Joe Schweitzer’s Better Ideas. His videos have helped me in improving myself and he has some really good video on social life as well.

  3. Charisma on Command is a great channel that personally has helped develop my social skills. I highly recommend it. 👌

  4. Charisma on command is so good and I started just subconsciously implementing their advice which took my skills up a lot

  5. Prakhar ke pravachan..helped me a lot to make friends in college. He has also written a book on practical social skills called Don’t Shut Up

  6. HealthyGamer (r/healthygamergg)
    Not necessarily specific social skills but the tools to confront my personal problems. Being content with myself helps me immensely being relaxed in conversations

  7. ThatWasEpic. Unusual answer, but the way he goes about interactions, even if it’s acting, is fantastic.

  8. Others have listed some good ones so here’s one you wouldn’t think of but it’s a lady who specializes in attachment theory. Attachment theory explains how we relate to others. Knowing your own attachment style and how that style behaves and the other styles and how they behave will go *a long way* towards explaining things like, why do you need to learn social skills? (Hint: You weren’t taught them as a baby.)

    If attachment theory is new to you, you may find that it genuinely makes it feel like a light bulb has turned on.

    The channel is [Heide Priebe](https://www.youtube.com/@heidipriebe1/videos).

  9. I used to watch Simple Pickup in high school, pretty dated now but learned a lot about how to be more confident went starting conversations

  10. The fact that people need youtube channels to help them learn social skills is incredibly ironic. Really goes to show how unhealthy our social skills have become.

  11. “How to win friends and influence people”


    “The Charisma Myth”

    Are two excellent books.

  12. I used to be an avid watcher of The Yard, which is a podcast run by Ludwig on YouTube. I was just watching it because they’re entertaining people, but I’ve definitely found that I try to be like each one of those guys in different scenarios unconsciously on occasion. It’s just a podcast of 4 friends and they’re all very funny while being surprisingly open and honest.

  13. Crappy Childhood Fairy and Patrick Teahan Therapy. Getting to the heart of the trauma that caused me to be so anti social, angry, and prone to try to insult or one-up people has helped me more than anything

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