How do you feel about wearing a bikini at the beach or a pool?

  1. I won’t do it, for myself, but I have never, not one time, had any kind of second thought about someone else wearing a bikini.

  2. I’d go swimming naked everywhere if I could. It’s just a body. Everyone has one.

    For perspective, I’m almost 50 and 30 pounds heavier than I was at my ‘hottest’ so it’s not about showing off.

  3. Tall, thin, and B boobs… nothing to worry about… unless it’s one of those thong bottoms that try to saw your bum in half every time you move.

  4. Nothing in particular. It’s like wearing work clothes at work, gym clothes at the gym etc.

  5. Not happening. Anti depressant plus steroid weigh gain at my age is a pain in the ass to try and lose and honestly, makes me *hate* my husband because it’s so damn easy for him to just drop 10 lbs

  6. I’m insecure about my stomach fat, so I opt for one pieces or high waisted bikini bottoms. I never cared if anyone did or didn’t wear a bikini though.

  7. I don’t think I’d be comfortable in one. I don’t mean self conscious, I mean physically uncomfortable.

  8. I’m comfortable in a bikini, it’s no shock to me at the beach, and I also find 1-piece swimsuits very pretty. There’s something to suit everyone’s taste and preferences, and that’s cool !

  9. Maybe I don’t getting this question, but seems like there’s needs to be more context.

    It’s a piece of clothing. Some wear it and some don’t. It’s like me asking how do you feel about wearing shorts during the summer? 🤔

  10. I feel good in a bikini, but I like jumping and doing flips and stuff into the pool, which the bikini is not good for. Those flimsy things come right off in vigorous splashing.

  11. I’m really not comfortable in a bikini., actually I don’t know if I even own a swim suit. Which is weird because I’m an art model and I spend a lot of time naked in front of people. I’m comfortable doing that but not in a bikini.

  12. Well I can’t pull any cute bikini with my huge breasts. But I rock one pieces

  13. Generally comfortable, but i tend to frequent places that aren’t filled with people focused on their appearance.

  14. never did it before, but after going to college i feel more comfortable in my own skin. no one’s pointing out that my stomach is out when wearing a crop top at uni

  15. It’s fine. For me, it has to fit and be comfortable. I’m not gonna wear something that’s the wrong size or shape for me just because it was the only one available, and I’m also not gonna wear something that’s gonna have me spending the whole time wondering if it’s gonna fall off, or accidentally expose some bits!

  16. Because every time I have I’ve been told to eat more or told I’m showing off. So it’s a tshirt and shorts for me. Can’t be cute these days without someone saying something

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