Sometimes you feel good about a relationship, and sometimes you think it will be a disaster. But have you ever been wrong? And how did it go?

  1. I had always been right about my intuition and everything always turn out true, the difference is : I’m a stubborn and hardheaded person who jump head first even if I already know it’s going to be a really shitty mess, too curious to pass over the opportunity to better myself up after they’re kicked out.

  2. My gut feeling is nearly I’d say 90 percent right about a person. It definitely warns me if someone is good or bad the trouble Is I slip into delusions due to MH. So my gut instinct could be telling me they are the wrong person for me but if I slip into a delusion the delusion could tell me I’m in love with them and we are meant to be. I’m now starting to recognize when I’m slipping tho and recognize the unhealthy patterns.

  3. I don’t invest feelings in relationships until I know for sure they are going to last.
    At least, I might fall wholeheartedly or get physically involved but I have no trouble walking away.

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