24]M was seeing a [23] met a girl off hinge. I just thought I’ll be honest, told her I didn’t have a car and was in the process of getting one. and she’s was somewhat ok with that. We talk for a few days. And she’s ask me to come over to her place. I got my friend to take me over there. We hung out and watch a movie. Last few days, she’s was telling me how sweet, nice, cute and that’s she’s likes me. Well today she’s ask me to come over. I told her I dont have my own place., im living with someone for abit until I get one of my own in a few months. I guess that turned her off Because she ended up ghosting my message. She’s read it but didn’t reply. Kinda bum out and Little hurt.

  1. It’s ok man. Just work on yourself. Get the money first, and the women will come.

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