Have been pretty much isolated for few years and only had one online friend who we barely talk and maybe play some video games sometimes for few hours, another online friend would only contact me like once a month if I didn’t mention him anything myself and our talking sessions again wouldn’t last anything. I’m getting a feeling that’s not normal and I feel very lonely, I would like to have friends I could talk to all day and stuff like that…

  1. You are supposed to make friends in real life, not isolate yourself from the real world. Maybe if you went out and talked to people in real life, then most, if not all, of your problems would be solved.

  2. I talk to my friends all day, see them often, we support eachothers hobbies, and we have shared hobbies too. I met most of my now friends at work and through meet ups. Good luck

  3. I would suggest using a tool to help you interact more with the friends that you have.

    I have to have a checklist in order to remind myself to talk to people and there’s nothing wrong with that. Literally the most successful people in the world have personal secretaries and give themselves reminders for networking and communicating.

    Average working class people think that their brains are supposed to be perfect and lament about how something is wrong with them if they don’t remember to call their family regularly.

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