Excuse any grammar mistakes, English is not my 1st language. And if there’s more info needed I’ll be happy to respond.

People to note:
I (me)
X (partner)
EG (Egg doner or mother)
SP (35M/egg donors boyfriend or side piece)
B3 (M21/younger brother)

Background, which has been shortened significantly:

Meet X through fb, and was long distance for a few years (they lived in the states) until we had papers sorted. My family does not know how we actually met, so they don’t know we’ve been together wayyyyy longer than they know, they think it’s puppy love or something like that. After 2 longer visits where we got to know our families (and finally met in person :3), they now lives with me and we are currently renting the bottom floor of my EG’s house (not by choice, and we are planning to leave when we are much more stable/are done with some medical issues).

My family only acted nice to them in the beginning due to them being white and having dollars, but finding out they were essentially homeless and were not going to fix me papers to become a citizen (which I absolutely refuse to get in such a way), they have deemed them lower than subhuman and have accused them of many things over time.

I don’t want to go into all details of what has happened over the years, but just know it is blood boiling. But the pertinent one for this story is about them harming of animals when left alone. Even though they themselves don’t take care of them at all, forgetting to feed them, etc, my partner is always accused of such things.

**So how this situation came to be:**

X and I had gone upstairs for the laundry, and EG pulls me aside while I was waiting for them to gather it all in another room. She explained that, one of the female guinea pig they got as a girlfriend to the male they have, had been found shaking, and soon passed on from the shock. She, though not stating it, very heavily implied X did it and said to not leave X alone with them. SP, who is a pos who talk behind others’ back, called him a rat murderer in our native language, so X didn’t understand what he said.

I was too enraged to say anything, so I simply stepped out and told X to hurry with the clothes so we can go back to our area. I explained this to X, who says they’re not surprised and are always waiting for when the next accusation is spun.

Now, as an animal lover and guinea pig mom at several points in my life, I would absolutely not tolerate anyone harming these precious beings and would break bones if someone dare lay a hand on them. But there’s no way I would accuse anyone of doing so without proof, for anything.

Through all of this, I haven’t mentioned, is that B3 is autistic and has a very short temper. He was only given some guidance when younger, but he is left to do as he pleases, no work, and only finished elementary, he is basically the king of the house with 0 repercussions for his actions.

His rage episodes are many to count, but here are 3 highlighted ones:

He broke the window of my uncle’s car (who he specifically asked to care for due to the sentimental value) because he didn’t get candy I belive

He raised his hand to EG when she tried to take away his games

He tried to stab my partner… yeah…

Whenever I or X is left alone by ourselves or together, B3 is always nearby spying on us, I’ve brought it up several times but nothing is done about it.

Today with the laundry it was no different. X expressed that when they had brought the clothes to the machine, B3 was immediately behind them lurking in the room, which was also where the guinea pig area was, and not long after the poor thing was found in such a state with the only person behind in that room was B3.

I really don’t know how to prove X’s innocence, or how to figure out who is actually doing this, but I just want this to stop so no more animals are hurt.

TLDR: partner is accused of killing animals with 0 proof, while the possible culprit is going scot-free.

Please help me Reddit, I’m just so tired of it all and want to cry my eyes out.

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