I (34M) have been dating two people over the course of the 3 weeks. 36F lives locally and we’ve been on 3 dates and we got to heavy make-out stage on our last date but we have not had a define the relationship (DTR) talk. 28F has been temporarily in the area on a month long work contract and leaves next week back across the country. I had approached the DTR topic w/ F(28) and she said, “I’m not looking for anything serious, but, like, would still like to talk after I leave.” I said cool, boundary setting 👍. But, on our latest/3rd meet up she initiated make-out and then after a bit suggested I come to her place to continue the fun. I passed, but kept the door open.

So, internet, I haven’t had the are we exclusive discussion w/ either woman, I’ve had the DTR with one, and they both seemingly are ready to take it to the next level.

Do I need to see if we’re exclusive before going any further? When you’re dating do you assume it’s not exclusive until discussed? In your opinion am I at the point in which two roads diverge in a non-polyamorous wood and I must chose one?

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