How do you deal with being desired sexually and not romantically?

  1. Honestly it’s disheartening. I wanted to be loved for so long. Now I am just given up.

  2. I leave, unless I am also desiring the person sexually but in this case I just do it on the first night and just leave, I don’t project myself with people to whom I know they intention so does if the intention is unclear.

  3. Be flattered, but tell them thanks but no thanks, because I’m demisexual.

  4. I’d leave them behind. And ignore them If they tried to approach me. I’m not a trophy you can put on a shelf and leave there till you feel like giving it a shine. Im a good woman with a good heart you either love all of me or get lost. Being desired but not loved has no value to me.

  5. Its a bore. I don’t want anyone sexually unless they are genuinely my future. The way of things atm is a little sad.

  6. I would be flattered if it’s someone I know even if I don’t share the feeling, it’s basically saying that I’m attractive, but if it’s someone that made me think I was being desired romantically and turns out it was all sexual desire, then I leave.

  7. Depends on the situation. I am a model and travel a lot. My job is being an object.

    So I currently Just don’t like to be in a real relationship. It’s kind of a coping mechanism because you can’t prevent it entirely.

  8. Look at the bright side, at least you’re attractive. Lots of ugly girls would love to have your problem. I get that it sucks, not saying it doesn’t. Gratitude is a great way to put a happy spin on things.

    Also, maybe uplevel where you meet men. If you go to a bar, it’s going to be a bunch of horny men, most dumb and you’re right back where you don’t want to be.

  9. This is why I turned to looking for a partner online (and ended up finding my husband). It was otherwise very disappointing, I wasn’t just looking for sex, but that was everything the men I met seemed to want from me and I felt that wasting time with someone who was only interested in my body meant wasting everything else I’ve got. I wanted someone who would appreciate all of me, not just my body. Someone with whom I could really be myself.
    Chatting with the guy I ended up marrying allowed me to realize that we had a lot in common and he was not pushy, he showed no impatience to get between my legs (which is something everyone else did, even in pretty rude ways). I understood that with him I would get to enjoy more things than just sex. So yeah, it’s not nice to be stuck in that situation, that is, unless you are only looking for sex as well.

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