What is your motivation for going to the gym?

  1. I’m planning on having kids and if I can push off or avoid a tummy tuck then I will 🙂 just cuz I’m a mom doesn’t mean I need to sacrifice my nice ass body

  2. Being able to still take care of myself “as old as I can” and also mental clarity !

  3. everything feels a little easier after a while. after a few weeks, it becomes your favorite part of the day. you notice the weights are way easier to pick up. you notice you aren’t winded climbing a few sets of stairs, or hiking. your body doesn’t hurt as much as it used to, and your mental health is more stable. you start “leveling up” in weights and it starts to become like a mental game. you feel strong and healthy, and life just feels better overall. every time I’m consistently working out, I feel like the best version of myself. becoming the healthiest, best version of myself is my motivation. how it makes you feel is everything, how your body transforms is an extra benefit that keeps you going.

  4. I got a body composition measurement done and what I thought was just ‘left-over baby weight’ was in-fact fat around the internal organs to an alarming level.

    I started working out to help with that situation but also with the intention of building a habit of working out regularly.

    Once I got the potentially dangerous health situation fixed I moved onto more long-term health + aesthetic goals.

    I’ve been working out about a year now consistently, I hope that I’m able to stick to it.

  5. To get more energy, to feel and look better, and because it helps manage my depression

  6. To be strong. Both physically and mentally.
    To feel proud and accomplished and in control.
    Just fyi, xxfitness is a great group and community.

  7. I get physical and emotional satisfaction from lifting weights. Sometimes I even feel anger and a ton of delight after lifting

  8. I don’t need motivation, going to the gym is my biggest desire and I can do it like..twice a month. I envy people who can and they are just ‘oh.. I’m so tired, I’ll go tomorrow’. Like..REALLY?

  9. Going to the gym always makes me feel better. plus i like being really strong.

  10. i wanna be able to squat annoying men one day.

    i would’ve said throw them, but that’s pretty unrealistic.

  11. To gain energy. I am a young mum, studying and working both fulltime. I am exhausted. Studying in the middle of the night at all hours. Having gone to the gym motivates me and also triggers my sleep as i am physically exhausted not just mentally. I sleep better. It’s got both psychological and physiological benefits for me at the moment 👍🏻 importantly I am not letting it burn me out. If i feel too exhausted I wont go. It isnt governing my life.

  12. I started going to the gym twice a week in October last year – mostly lifting / strength training with a little cardio tacked on the end – and the difference in my mental health is astonishing. If I have to skip a session or two because of other commitments, I feel noticeably worse until I can get back in the gym again.

    I’m borderline underweight and get a lot of “oh but you’re so slim already”, particularly from work colleagues, so I try to think and talk about my fitness in terms of how I feel, rather than what I look like.

    I feel stronger, my posture is better, and some minor joint pain I started getting last year is basically gone. I’ve actually gained about 2kg since October and my goal weight is another +5kg.

    Whenever I don’t want to go I try to think about how much better I’ll feel afterwards.

  13. Initial motivation, I want to be built like a centaur.

    After beginning to work out I recognized that I feel amazing afterwards. I feel accomplished and like I am able to take control of my life.

  14. Mental health obviously, and less random aches and pains in my body.

    Building muscles helps stabilize your musculoskeletal. Focusing on functional strength training can do wonders for those random aches and pains.

  15. I saw a picture of myself from a distance and I remember that photo of how unsightly and overweight I’d become. It was about 20lb extra and I lost it in about 3 months. That picture still haunts me and I check in on it every so often to keep me motivated

  16. Helps with my ADHD, my skin, and my energy levels. Also, I’m trying to get back into weightlifting because it helps prevent, slow down, and even reverse osteoporosis.

  17. I like to get up and move around, but don’t always have access to a forest where I can run around and climb everything like a goblin (I have actually considered learning parkour)

  18. I don’t go to the gym but my motivation for exercising is I will always feel better than if I let myself be inactive for awhile. Also, I like knowing I’m doing something beneficial for my health.

  19. It helps with my mental health, my chronic illness and I want to lose the weight I put on during my depression and Covid successive lockdowns.

  20. So I can still party in my 40s LOL
    Also while it is difficult to get of of the bed and go to gym in the morning, but I feel great after a workout. It gives sense of accomplishment and puts me in a good mood for a day. I lift weights and do resistance training. Finding the type of workout that I enjoy and find rewarding was key as well.

  21. Gym is like self care for me, just like curling up with a mug of coffee, or a leisurely walk, or multi step skincare.

    It just makes me feel good afterwards, like I have accomplished something. Once you cross 4-6 weeks of consistently working out, you’ll start to anticipate those post workout endorphins.

    Seriously, I am hooked and that’s my motivation.

  22. I work as a general laboror so simply building my strength for said job is my motivation

  23. This may sound bad, but going to public events and seeing the amount of people (women, men, AND children) just……….

    I personally overcame childhood + adult obesity, and seeing the amount of people who are a little size challenged motivates me to keep my head down, my heart grateful, and my motivation high in the gym.

  24. I’m over 40 and since I’ve started lifting weights my life has literally changed like in a cheesey movie montage.

    I sleep. I have no back pain. No knee pain. I’m not tired anymore. I noticeably lost fat and gained muscle.

    Ladies, especially nearing or in menopause you can still do your yoga, pilates, cardio whatever but for the love of God, please go pick up heavy stuff once or twice a week, the results will be amazing, I promise you.

    If you don’t want to go to a gym, get a bar bell and a couple of weights. Listen to an audiobook or your favourite podcast, watch reality TV if you get bored, it’s such a great hour of selfcare and relaxation.

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