Hi there!

Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the **Daily Slow Chat.**

If you want to just chat about your day, if you have questions for the moderators *(please mark these \[Mod\] so we can find them)*, or if you just want talk about oatmeal this is the thread for you!

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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. People who are old enough to remember the early 90s (which I’m not): how massive were bands from the Seattle grunge scene (e.g. Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains etc) in your country at the time? It’s just that I saw an exhibit in a museum in Seattle last week that made a very dubious statement along the lines of “Bands from the Pacific Northwest like Nirvana were especially popular in the UK and Europe [why the distinction?] where they evoked images of Bigfoot”. Really struck me as a bit odd as a) I’m not sure most Europeans know enough about US regional stereotypes to associate Seattle with Bigfoot and b) I always assumed grunge, while definitely a thing in much of Europe, wasn’t the massive phenomenon that it was in the US. At least in the UK it would have had to compete with plenty of other domestic underground music scenes at the time, including Madchester, Shoegaze, early Britpop, various rave genres involving copious amounts of ecstasy consumption, and of course, [PJ and Duncan](https://youtu.be/m_sJmIQrH54).

  2. Jeez that u/holytriplem thread blew up. I think a while ago I heard some German explain that “race” means something completely different in German compared to English. As in associated with Nazism and Eugenics. It seems similar in a decent number of other languages as well according to some people there. In English as used by native speakers, it’s not a completely well defined term, generally referring to a number of ethnic groups lumped together according to geography or phenotype. I heard some Britons retain the older usage as just another term for ethnicity.

  3. It’s supposed to hit 33°C here today and my god, I’ve never felt more alive since moving here. Sadly that means all the swimming holes around here are going to be like sardine cans, so my plan for the whole day is to just pull up a lounge chair in the garden and finally tan this sickly dickensian orphan paleness away from my skin.

    Toast me, sun daddy!

  4. I am watching a wild bee build a nest in an old chair on our terrace. I told people noone is allowed to move the chair till the bee is done and the hole is sealed. It’s very diligent and cute. We leave water out for animals, so plenty of bugs come to drink. And crows. And swifts.

    Speaking of birds, I saw a small owl when I was walking back from the beach. We had a little conversation before it flew away. I was surprised, I rarely see them during day.

    Question today: with whom can you comfortably share eating utensils/drinking glasses/bottles? I am pretty easy-going, unless I dislike the person. I of course stopped sharing anything during covid with anyone but my spouse, but now I seem to be back to my usual self.

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