My boyfriend and I use condoms every time we have sex. After sex he always goes to his toilet and flushes the condoms and refuses to just throw it away. We had sex in his car once in an empty parking lot and he didn’t want to throw the condom out on the ground because his dna was in it. So I told him when we get to my house I’ll throw it away inside. We get to my house and instead he gets out and is about to throw it outside in one of my trash cans by the mailbox but changed his mind shortly and took it with him. Do guys naturally get rid of condoms this way.

  1. He thinks he is Elon Musk or he is running away from a murder lol Why would people want his DNA?

  2. Don’t flush them, it’s bad for sewer systems and home piping. Dude sounds paranoid about his genetic material, guys do not normally get rid of condoms this way.

  3. It’s not a common fear, that something will happen to your cum after you throw it out, but it wouldn’t be a problem either IF he chose a different way to dispose of it.

    Condoms do not dissolve like toilet paper does. They will clog your pipes eventually, and you’ll have a very embarrassing day with the plumber or your landlord. He should rinse them out in the sink and then throw them in the trashcan or something.

  4. Don’t put it on the ground. Don’t put it in the toilet–somebody has to fish that out eventually. Just throw it in the trash. And no, guys don’t “naturally” get rid of condoms this way.

  5. Does he want a sewer line to blow? That’s how you get a sewer line to blow. Either that or “flushable” wipes

  6. Unless he’s obscenely rich or living under an assumed identity in an attempt to escape a Federal manhunt he can probably relax

  7. Dude sounds paranoid about his genetic material, guys do not normally get rid of condoms this way.

  8. He doesn’t trust you. He’s keeping control of it so you can’t take it and impregnant yourself and baby trap him.

  9. He’s totally going to fuck up the plumbing doing that. If he’s that paranoid, he can turn it inside out and rinse it off in hot water and then throw out the condom in the trash. Doesn’t fix his head, but might save your plumbing at least.

  10. I think this has to with a fear/paranoia of you trying to use it to get pregnant or a fear of being accused of rape. Nothing to do with safe disposal. Simply put, He doesn’t want anyone having access to his sperm.

  11. thats insanely bad for the enviroment, ive been swimming in the sea and twice had a condom float past. its disguting. and they probably went on to choke a fish to death. tell him to just take it to his home bin if hes so worried about you impregnating yourself with it

  12. Thats a bad way to mess up your toilet/plumbing. If he’s worried about someone utilizing his seaman from the condom. Tell him to wash it out in the sink and then toss it in the garbage

  13. Long ago stories of women retrieving the condoms from the trash and impregnating themselves, which has happened,

  14. Some dudes fear their chick will take the condom and try getting pregnant after the fact. Not sure if you guys talked about having kids or not.

  15. Man is afraid of spawning a homunculus. A rational fear for any man of the 1500’s .

  16. Maybe he doesn’t trust that you won’t get his used condom and inseminate yourself. It sounds unhinged, but people read horror stories like that online and start thinking its more common than it is.

  17. He is afraid to the point of paranoia that someone is gonna baby trap him with his used condoms. His plumbing bill and/or landlord May one day come to murder him for the plumbing issues.

  18. I heard a story about Mike Dunleavy who coached the Lakers. When rookies came into the league they sat them down do go over some basics. Finances were on the list as was disposing of condoms. The players slept around a lot and were told to use condoms but to flush them vs throwing them in the trash. It kept the possibility of having their used condoms used to impregnate someone who would claim a condom break.

  19. Why can’t he rinse the condom out and then throw it in the trash? DNA down the drain, but he won’t clog the sewer pipes. What he’s doing will end up biting him in the wallet when you discover the many condoms in the pipes that backed up your sewer system. That can cost you thousands of dollars to repair. I strongly advise he rinse and toss instead.

  20. It will clog up the pipes soon u better tell him to take it back to him crib and flush it down there

  21. He’s going to fuck his plumbing right up lol. No guys don’t normally flush their condoms.

  22. > he didn’t want to throw the condom out on the ground because his dna was in it

    *You* thought that was OK? It’s *not* OK. That’s disgusting.

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