Id rather keep this brief, looking for some advice on this recent development.

I’ve been seeing someone for 3 months we still aren’t fully together however she has lived with me my on my days off due to similar schedules etc and we are fully involved. She has messaged the same guy for the entirety of our relationship and has told me a story that this person is a long time friend.

I had in the back of my head that it was a lie as she couldn’t look me in the eye and some things were not adding up in the story. I knew not to look into it but when I did the name was attached to someone she has previously fallen for. This was 2 and half months after first meeting her.

We were doing quizzes on her phone and she went the toilet and left the phone with me. I checked their chat and the evidence was there it was him.

I confronted her on it she denied it until it was completely obvious. She balled her eyes out and was devistated and we have remained amicable and if anything no different than we were before. This is a few days on and it’s in the back of my mind. What should I do?

  1. It’s hard to make a team with someone who can’t be a good teammate for themselves. She is going through some shit and it’s your right not to be dragged into it. You realize you’re second in the pecking order to this guy? If he wants her he’ll get her and leave you for dead.

    You need to back off, and tell her that you need to just be friends. And if she needs a person to talk to you are there. But not romantically anymore. You can decide your fate now, or she will decide it later.

    You guys have a chance long term, but for now she needs to figure out her shit, and you staying with her rationalizes this terrible behavior and makes you look like a spineless person for not standing up to it.

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