What’s a big secret announcement you can’t wait to tell the people you love but have to keep quiet until then?

  1. I got a huge pay raise at work that qualifies me to be able to buy land here in Singapore

    I don’t know if I want to tell my family or not.

  2. My wedding date & location. We are keeping it quiet until we have booked it😍

  3. My husband and I are in the process of registering our marriage! We’ve had our wedding ceremony 3 years ago, but I needed some paperwork done in my home country to register it legally, and I couldn’t go back because of Covid. Although it won’t change much in our life I’m very excited to become a Mrs!
    Unfortunately, I cannot share that with my parents, who are against marriage in general. They would freak out and ruin my joy. So we’re just celebrating the two of us!

  4. I got a promotion at work, hopefully be able to speak about it this week!

    Congratulations to everyone in this thread! Yey for good news

  5. I’m planning a surprise birthday week for my husband’s 40th. He knows we’re doing something, but not what.

    I rented an awesome beach house for a week of surfing and three of his best friends are flying in. I have drinks, steaks, a pool table, scotch and desserts all lined up. I might also have a balloon person decorate the front door

  6. I took the landlord for about 15k and when it’s finalised I’ll tell people I’m not gonna be skint much longer

  7. That I’m pregnant again, 1st time ended in a miscarriage so its been a big topic. I just need to see that heartbeat this time and then I’ll tell them.

  8. My sisters 30th is in a few days, she has been getting down about no one wanting to do anything, little does she know I’ve arranged loads of friends, food, decorations and music for a massive surprise party.

    I do feel guilty I can’t tell her though.

  9. That I’m building a house in another state and I’m moving the moment it’s finished

  10. We’re trying for our second baby, but we won’t tell until we’re about 12 weeks pregnant. Then we’re planning on moving abroad for a few years to show our kids some of the world before settling down somewhere new. The next 5 years are so exciting 🙂

  11. My picture book has been selected for publication! I’m hoping it will be out by Christmas.

  12. I just found out I’m pregnant on Saturday! I saw my best friend on Sunday but couldn’t share it yet! It feels like mine and my husband’s secret for now but I’m so excited to share with friends and family!

  13. That I’ve started dating again after three years and I’ve been talking to a certain guy that could potentially turn into more.

  14. That my bf and I are talking about marriage, and after that he’ll sponsor me to move to his country. I miss him and I hate living here. My family is really toxic and controlling and his family is full of angels who love and accept me.

  15. I think I’m falling for my partner. Just typing it is causing this weird heat to generate in my chest and shoulders. I think I’ll let it all bubble a bit more though. We’re not there yet. It’s all still very new.

  16. Im getting married!! But I’ll have to keep it a secret until I find someone to marry

  17. That I’ve started kind of “dating” again? I’ve been talking to one guy for about a month now, and I really like him and where it seems to be going. He makes me really happy so I hope everything works out. I don’t want to tell anyone in case I jinx it or something doesn’t work out.

  18. Omgosh, I had a purple mole removed, and of course my doc sent for biopsy. They needed more material, so doc went back in a removed a divot. Now, 5 weeks went by, he finally called with results. It’s a rare (like super rare) tumor in a blood vessel. Retiform hemangioendothelioma. I have to have a specialist go in again. I haven’t told anyone yet, waiting for more results, but it’s not fatal.

  19. Just interviewed for a Masters program at an Ivy League University, and it’s been my dream but I want to make sure I get accepted before telling my parents!! I think I have a good chance, never thought it would happen because I messed up my undergrad. Can’t wait!!!

  20. My daughter’s name. We aren’t naming her until she’s born in August, and I can’t wait to have people stop asking me what her name is or suggesting awful names 😂

  21. I’m pregnant with twins and my two older kids (9 and 6) are going to be so freaking excited. We’re waiting on genetic testing and one more ultrasound before we tell them. Those are the two people I don’t want to untell if, god forbid, something happens.

  22. We might move to a different country next year! I’m really nervous and excited about it!

  23. I’m planning on telling my therapist that I finally moved out and my life is pretty good right now.

  24. That I’m bi. My close friends know but my family doesn’t. I’m on the fence about telling them but I’m thinking it would definitely fit in the “big secret announcement” category lol

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