So, there’s this guy at school that I have a crush on, and I have been crushing on him for a year now. One day, we were passing each other by on the stairs, and he said “Excuse me” because he needed to move. However, I thought he didn’t need to say so because in my opinion, there was enough room for him to move, so I slapped my face impulsively, leading for him to call me stupid. He apologized two days later, but the fact that he now gives delayed responses on Snapchat by consistently waiting 24 hours or longer to reply when he used to reply promptly before the incident makes me think the incident is still stuck in his mind…should I apologize for how I behaved, even if the situation occurred 8 months ago? (Note: Him and I know each other but don’t talk, but I really wanna save the relationship!)

1 comment
  1. I used to be awkward asf when I thought that the only mode of speech was through words. As an adult, I realized that there are many forms of speech and that one of them is behaviour. You can show that you’re sorry and ready to make it up to him by simply moving on. The more you focus on this small incident, the worst you’re making it for both yourself and him. Just move on and be present in the present moment.

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