[EDIT] Defo as in short for definitely

If so what is your age/location?

Asking because I (mid 20s, Midlands) do and an older colleague (mid 40s?) said she’d never heard anyone using it before… which didn’t seem right to me. Trying to determine if it’s a generational slang, location-based slang or if she’s just not noticed people saying it before!

[UPDATE] Thanks for all your comments! Seems like it is pretty common after all, more so when typing than speaking. This has defo been interesting!

  1. I’m similar age to your colleague and defo use it. In text rather than speech, but wouldn’t bat an eyelid if I heard it out loud. I’m in Wales

  2. It’s not one I use a lot but I’ve got friends who use it constantly. Definitely normal for my generation, mid 30s NW

  3. Mid 40’s, all the time but only typing/writing.

    Edit – forgot to say, south Wales and I’d write it as ‘deffo’, no idea why.

  4. Not quite 40 (only just) – use it all the time in text, and occasionally spoken too. NW.

  5. Deffo, I use it all the time(35+, west mids) and I’ve heard it used by of people of all ages. I’ve even heard my 77year old great uncle use it.

  6. Defo. 30s, Yorkshire. Use it in speech but mainly in text because for the life of me, I can never spell definet…defen…definitely right.

  7. Deffo, but spelt that way and I’d use it way more over text than in speech. I’ve know I use it in speech but usually if I’m trying to speak quickly / stressed. But for over text I’d use it all the time, as to most people I know.

  8. I’m 43 and I deffo say deffo. Not sure why but I feel there is that extra f

  9. Mid 30s. Central Scotland.

    I will often text defo but I wouldn’t say it.

  10. I’m really old and I deffo remember a guy from Hull using it in the early 90s.

  11. deffo

    otherwise auto correct says difiantly, which if you search on google asks did you mean definitely

  12. I’m originally from the UK (Liverpool) but mainly grew up in the US – but almost all of my relatives except the elderly ones use it

  13. I’m 45F and from Merseyside. We will try to shorten every word (where possible) when talking casually. My husband and I will say ‘deffo’ to each other in an over the top scouse accent at times. Certainly commonplace when I was growing up

    (Edited after scrolling….I love how so many saying that they know the word ‘Deffo’ are also from NW)

  14. Mid 30s and all the time. Far easier to type it since I’m dyslexic and can spend far too long trying to get close enough to the full word for the predictive text to get what I’m aiming for

  15. We used to say Jermaine instead as there was a football player called Jermaine Defoe. “Are you going to select and save?” “Jermaine! They’ve got broken biscuits for a pound”

  16. I’m in the midlands 36 and use defo a lot more than I should. My parents and parents in law all understand what it means but don’t use it themselves, they are also midlands based.

  17. I do (deffo) in my late sixties but only when I’m pretending to be cool so the grandkids can laugh at me.

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