I’m in a weird mood today because I met a man who reminded me of the first person I fell in love with. This guy doesn’t want to pursue a relationship with me though because he’s moving abroad soon and says it will be too hard to let go. So I wanted to cheer myself up by hearing from others in this community about the genuine feeling you have when you love someone!

I’ll start: love to me is safety, comfort, and understanding with someone. It is when they show me compassion and kindness towards parts of myself that I didn’t even know I was afraid or ashamed of. It is warmth, it is passion, it’s wanting to be silly and share every part of my heart with them. It’s when I can’t stop smiling when they are on my mind and I want to take on the world with them.

What does love feel and look like to you?

  1. Love to me also has a huge safety component to it. Physical safety as much as emotional safety.
    Love pushes me to join in their interests even if they’re mundane. It’s meeting each other’s insecurities with kindness. It’s written notes/letters. It’s giddiness and constant laughter. Love is enjoying their happiness, but aching when they’re in pain. It’s their laugh being music to my ears and knowing I could spend the rest of my life listening to their voice.

    Love changes over time, but most of the important parts remain consistent.

  2. Love to me is I have your back, you have my back. It’s the forces of ying and yang in harmony and we can be somewhat open. But not too open because that’s for the homies to know lol. Love is not just the sex and future but the cuddles, the journey, experiences, the foodys you eat together and the small moments. But love is a dying word that has no value in the real world because anyone can use it so openly like how women say there a queen and men are an alpha.

  3. I agree, love is like a warm blanket, except sometimes that blanket accidentally gets thrown in the laundry and shrinks.

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