Am I being unreasonable?

I need to poll the masses and this is the best way I can think to do it. My question for you all is, in similar shoes, would you be okay with this? Am I being unreasonable by being upset?

My girlfriend and I have been together for 9 years, we’re 29 and 30 respectively. We have a great relationship and I trust her, but last night she acted very out of character.

I’m 200 miles away out of town, and she went out drinking with 4 guys from work as the DD, I’m fine with that, happy she gets to do it. As I’m going to sleep, she informs me “by the way X and Y are sleeping over tonight” I’ve never met these guys, I’m far from home, the guys have been drinking, and they’re staying at my place with my girlfriend while I’m away.

Am I being crazy by being extremely disappointed and upset that my feelings weren’t even considered?

tl;dr Girlfriend had two guys she works with that I’ve never met, sleep at our apartment after a night at bars while I’m out of town. Am I unreasonably upset?

  1. You’re not being unreasonable at all

    Personally, I think it’s inappropriate for your girl to be going out drinking with random dudes in the first place. But whatever, those are the rules that I abide by and don’t expect others to agree

    But that right there…. having strange men come over to sleep at YOUR place whilst you’re away?

    That is outrageously inappropriate. And the type of slippery slope I don’t understand why many of you people allow yourself to go on.

  2. That wouldn’t fly in my relationship. I think being upset is perfectly reasonable. Besides any sexual impropriety, I also don’t want strangers in my home. They could steal stuff or access financial information, etc. I wouldn’t be fine with my husband going out to bars with other women, nor would I go out with other guys though.

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