Hi everyone.
I have been skinny my whole life and I’ve been skinny shamed probably a thousand times. As long as it’s a friend or a random person I have no problem being rude right back or just ending the conversation but I have no idea how to react in a more formal setting.

For example 2 weeks ago an aunt (from my husbands side of the family) asked me if I lost weight, I responded that I did not and that I have been the same weight for like 10 years. Then she started going on and on about how skinny I am, how I don’t eat anything and how I’m probably skinnier than her 12 year old daughter (obviously not true btw) at which point I didn’t say anything because what the heck is a correct response to any of this?

Does anyone have any tips on how to react but without causing any drama? I just want them to feel a little uncomfortable or realize they are being rude. Something subtle enough that they can’t accuse me of being rude (even though they would deserve it)

  1. Ask them about their weight or say we are not discussing my weight, and announce a topic change.

  2. “A person’s weight should NEVER be a topic for discussion. I am embarrassed for you that you did not know that.”

  3. Only in America do people bully you for being thin

    Next time someone shames you return the energy and ask why they don’t go to the gym

  4. “i appreciate your input but at this moment in time I am content with where I am in terms of my health and body. If I ever need your opinion, I will ask.”

  5. I was first gonna tell you to just say “And bitch you built like jabba the hut💅”. But In a formal way just say “ Please stop I do not want to talk about that” or in a less cringe way just completely change the topic to the weather or maybe take the low road and talk about one of there insecurities. I’m sorry you have to go through this. Hope this helps <3

  6. Some suggestions:

    I’m completely happy with my body.

    I don’t discuss my body with anyone.

    This is the weight my body is naturally happy with as I’ve been this way for long time regardless of how I eat.

    I eat the correct the amount for my body and I’ve never had any health risks related to my weight. Can we move on to a different topic?

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