I’m 16, and my younger brother is 13. He’s out of control. He listens to explicit rap music and watches very inappropriate R-rated shows and movies. I caught him watching an R-rated show and told him to turn it off since he’s too young to be watching it. He laughed and told me, ‘Go fuck yourself, you’re not my mother.’ I reminded him that I’m his older sister, and he replied, ‘Unfortunately.’ I told my parents, but they don’t care about the music or shows he watches. My mother even said, ‘You are no more of a child than he is, so stop trying to parent.’ He watches shows like Game of Thrones and watches R-rated shows on HBO MAX and Starz. He shouldn’t be watching that or listening to the music he listens to, but he told me, ‘Stop acting like you’re my mother. You’re my sister, you’re not that important in my life, so go fuck yourself.’ What should I do?

TLDR: My younger brother won’t listen to me

  1. I tried this with my little sister. She was 11 and playing Grand Theft Auto and would get mad at me for trying to parent her and make fun of me. I was 16. Now, I am 32 with a stable life and she is living in a tent cooking meth.

    Just like you, your brother knows right from wrong and only he can make good choices for his life despite which media he chooses to consume. Focus on yourself and be there when he needs you, but DON’T make his choices and issues yours, for own mental wellbeing.

  2. >He shouldn’t be watching that or listening to the music he listens to

    Are you able to articulate *why* he should not watch or listen to this stuff? Sincere question.

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