WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. HOW did I pull that off?? it’s like my social anxiety just disappeared, randomly. i talked to so many people and had so many laughs. i never thought in a million years that i’d be able to manage that. i had a really good time

can someone tell me how to turn on this superpower all the time???

  1. I am overcoming social anxiety and approach anxiety by using Omegle. It’s a free and anonymous website that links you randomly to anyone in the world who wants to video chat. It has a bad rap because sometimes someone will be masturbating on there but you simply block or report them and don’t let that ruin your experience. I think that recently they have installed filters to reduce the fappers on there. So yesterday I went on Omegle and I chatted with a guy and his brother in India. We talked for a half hour and he took me on a video tour of his home and even took The camera out on his balcony so I could see the cityscape view. Here is a great way to improve your conversation skills. If you meet a random person on Omegle and you can’t keep the conversation interesting for 2 minutes, you suck at conversations. If you can go 15 minutes that’s pretty good. If you can go a half hour or more you have overcome your approach and social anxiety. I should mention that it’s pretty much 50/50 on there The females to males and it’s all 18 and over so you don’t have to worry about talking to children and you may make a good friend

  2. One of the most helpful things for me was remembering times like this so next time I feel uncomfortable socially I can remind myself “Remember that one time, i did great and it all felt natural. Maybe it’s not just me and more about finding people I get along with like that.” That bit of confidence has definitely helped me from getting too in my head and overall helps with socializing with anyone.

    Nice job!

  3. I think it’s easier when it’s all strangers you never think you’ll see again.

    Regardless, good job bud!

  4. Damn that sounds super exhausting but congrats my dude. Just keep at it

  5. Well, you ingested cannabis so i’d say you got some courage through that. If you can do it stone cold sober, then i think it’s be more impressive in a way?

    But good for you for finding a way that works for you.

  6. That’s amazing. Be kind to yourself, if you could just turn it off or on social anxiety wouldn’t be as common as it is. I agree with what someone else wrote- next time you’re anxious socializing channel who you were at the party. Even performers say that they get into their “character” to get past their inhibitions. Beyoncé is Sasha Fierce.

  7. That sounds awesome. I’m jealous. If you can duplicate the circumstances of this event, you should be able to do it again no problem.

  8. When there are complete strangers..u do not have any kind of fear of how others will comprehend u..as they do not have any experiences or opinions on u beforehand… that’s why it’s a great opportunity for you to be a completely different personality in front of strangers without being awkward…

    Awkwardness doesn’t come just from ur end but also from the other end…if they knew beforehand that u suck at being social then they and you both would have felt awkward if u suddenly become social in front of them

    So it’s a good way to practise those social skills u want to inculcate in urself in a completely new place with all of them being strangers and slowly slowly.. becoming more natural at those skills in front of ones who know u

  9. You do this by relaxing and addressing your anxiety and threat response.

  10. just remember how great of a time you had that day the next time you are trying to force yourself to get out there again (and are doubting). even if the next time sucks, just remember that one day and don’t let the bad day discourage you

  11. I suffer from social anxiety, and my take is this: because you knew nobody, you could step out of your shell and be ANYBODY. there was no pressure of you making a fool out of yourself and it following you for the rest of hour life, because you might never see any of these people again.

    Does that make sense?

    Edit: spellibg

  12. Just proof that socializing at a party means absolutley nothing to anything and is a worthless endevour

  13. I’ve recently had those experiences myself! It’s really fun when people are willing to chat.

    Some aren’t. I’ve been to events where people are only comfortable mingling with people they already know. It’s a little disheartening to introduce yourself and almost immediately have someone say “Nice to meet you, but I have to talk to so-and-so!”

    I didn’t even have the chance to be boring with some of those folks.

    I think it cuts down on my anxiety when I realize that sometimes it’s them, not me.

  14. Did something similar when I went to a Halloween party. With some homies who all where drunk and high while me on the other hand prefer to be sober. I went to this party with little to no anxiety. Because I was being true to myself I just stay calm and relax.

    I didn’t go to the party with the mentality of gaining friends or having sex with chicks. I just wanted to have fun and a good time. Pretty much everyone there was high or drunk. When I spoke with people it was out of genuine curiosity and etc. I felt so comfortable in my own skin so calm and relaxed. Had good convo with many different people talk about anime shows, songs, clothesand etc with different type of people man.

    I remember I had mention I was hungry at the party. And some chicks mention food but I forgot I have my retainer in my mouth so I couldn’t eat. I kid you not one of the girls held my retainer in her hand and they other grab me a glass a water. Completely schooled and bamboozled honestly. But Me being me I didn’t read too much into it and figure they’re just drunk and friendly girls😅.

    But the moral of the story for me and social anxiety is just be true to myself. Not forcing myself to be social for personal gains. Do it out of genuine curiosity and let it be natural.

  15. that’s so awesome!! good for you! i remember my first moment like this, and i just kept going to more parties from friends i met at other ones. it’s an awesome way to socialize and meet cool people.

  16. me personally , being around a large crowd of people i don’t know either gives me super anxiety or a chance to try out a new character. the power is always in your hands tho , be great always!

  17. Consistency is key! Keep putting yourself in these situations and you’ll soon find your access to effective socialization getting marginally better each time

  18. Congrats! Sounds like you are really coming out of your shell.

    As for how to do this all the time, how’d you do it this time?

    The key to a lot of anxieties is that they often are completely unrelated to the thing you are supposedly afraid of: you are clearly more socially capable than your anxiety is telling you. Your anxiety does NOT represent reality. Remind yourself of that next time you have an opportunity you are stressing about. Then, do the thing even though you are anxious.

  19. I’m crazy introverted (possibly on ‘the spectrum’ somewhere) and have mad social anxiety. Kudos on your success! I think I have about as good of a chance of swinging from building to building like Spider-Man as I do pulling something like that off. It literally looks like superhero powers to me for those that are capable of doing that. Well done.

  20. Figure out how to bottle it, and make billions.
    Nice work.
    All of us living vicariously through you!

    Try to remember how it felt and know that in social situations in the future that you can do this, and do it well.

  21. Congrats, that is amazing! Keep practicing, attend social events, get to know more new people and always remember your successes and what you did right. There are always going to be some good days and bad days, but always remember the best days, what you did right and have in mind what do you want to do and how do you want to feel, and you and your mind will work it out to turn that social superpower again.

    Practice will bring Experience and Mastery. You can do it, and if you believe it, you will be more likely to do it again and better.

  22. I experienced this feeling recently. I approached it with a mindset: Be yourself and try not to force yourself into ungenuine convos. The right people came to me naturally and they were genuine with themselves while I was genuine with them.

  23. You probably got into a “winner effect”. You took action, people responded positively, your brain starts seeing that you are a winner so it released chemicals to keep you in this state. Great job on taking on that massive feat!

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