Did you learn anything negative or which you dislike about yourself during the pandemic?

  1. My tolerance for people went way down. I don’t really talk to extended members of my family now (not that we were close before) because I just haven’t got the patience for their antics anymore.

  2. I’m now claustrophobic, and I also dislike being at home for longer than about two hours, unless sleeping. I used to enjoy a cosy day at home and now it gives me anxiety.

  3. I realized that all of the jokes about how infidelity is chronic in the military were based in reality.

    I became extremely cynical about relationships when I saw – right in front of me – just how many people were cheating on their spouses back home. It was disgusting. This was during training.

    I learned about my unit’s last deployment (I wasn’t able to go), and how people started fucking around with each other not even a week in. It got so bad that the whole unit was reprimanded by a commanding officer.

    I try to remember that there were and are folks that are not like that, but it’s difficult. I do my best to be optimistic rather than cynical.

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