They will be a 4 of July party at my work and i was commission to do burgers on a grill. i don’t want to get very complicate and i will just do simple cheeseburgers (NO LETTUCE, NO ONION, NO TOMATOES, MAYBE PICKLES).

I will buy the meat myself and some American chese. but it worth to make fresh buns? or make my own dill pickles? any suggestion will be appreciate it.

  1. Buy the buns. No need to make them. I am wondering why pickles are being considered for the burgers but no other toppings like lettuce and tomatoes, which are pretty standard for simple cheeseburgers.

  2. I mean typically all you do for cookouts is you make the burger patty. Provide toppings, sauce, and buns and let people make their own burgers. Not building the whole burger

  3. Get 85 lean/15 fat ground beef. Get potato or brioche buns. Get cheddar/american/pepperjack cheese, as slices or slice yourself thinly enough to properly melt when placed on very hot burger. Lightly form ground beef into slightly bigger than you want. Salt both sides, a little garlic powder or pepper as you please. Cook meat to 160F internal, remove from heat source, apply cheese slice while still very hot and toast some buns in the minute or two melt time.
    Provide fixings including those you don’t appreciate for those who want them to apply themselves.

  4. Ground beef, seasoned with salt/pepper or your favorite grill mix. Lightly toast the buns on the grill for about a minute, just enough for it to become ever so slightly crunchy. Cook burgers to medium rare, add cheese on top, wait a couple seconds until the cheese starts to bend downwards and touch the sides of the burger, serve immediately with ~~lettuce and tomatoe~~ your choice of condiment

  5. You think a slice of tomato is too complicated but you’re ready to bake your own hamburger buns? Unless you bake for fun, just buy the buns. Buy the pickles. The vast majority of Americans who make cheeseburgers use store-bought pickles and buns.

  6. Not offering said toppings, and making your own buns and pickles is probably the least American way to make a cheeseburger. Don’t over complicate things and offer a few topping options.

  7. – not worth it to make the buns fresh, or the pickles, just get them from the store

    – only pickles as a topping is… Certainly a choice

    – some people like rare burgers. If you are going to cook them rare (135ish ° F) I recommend getting the meat from a butcher shop instead of a big box store because the meat will be cleaner and have less chance of contamination. If you can’t do that, just cook to 160° F. I’ve never gotten food poisoning from Walmart patties cooked to 135°, but that’s because I’m cooking for myself.

    – let the patties rest for a bit after they’ve been cooked. I usually put the cheese on at the point to let it melt too

  8. There are no improvements to be made on the American Cheeseburger.. THE original.. and THE best! Just do what all your fellow Americans do and have another 10 😀

  9. Nah just buy the buns.

    80/20 ground beef is traditional in restaurants but is a bit greasy in my opinion so 85/15 is probably better. Season with salt and pepper. Form the patty bigger than you buns, they’ll shrink when cooked. And you want the pattys fully cooked for safety but be careful not to overcook them. Nobody likes a dry burger. (These aren’t steaks where you can virtually always get away with medium rare, ground beef has a much higher chance of spreading disease due to the nature of how its made)

    And include the extras (Lettuce, tomato, pickle, ketchup & mayo, etc). But have the extras set up on their own plates like [this](, that way the other workers can “customize” their buns before having you serve them their burger patty.

    And choose a good quality Americam or cheddar cheese. Do not use Kraft singles.

  10. Buy the buns and all the toppings and condiments and let people build their own burger however they want. You don’t have to actually make the whole burger haha I like my burgers super simple too but it would be bizarre to not at least offer tomatoes, onions, lettuce, pickles, ketchup, etc.

  11. Ground beef, light black pepper, salt and maybe a few drops of Worcestershire sauce.

    American or cheddar cheese.


    If you want to make it a little fancier, I would include bacon, and caramelized onions.

  12. No lettuce, onion, tomato or pickles? that’s a very plain burger…

    I like to add lettuce, cheese, pickles, onion, ketchup, mustard, mayo, and bacon.

  13. Buy the buns, don’t make them. Same with pickles.

    Season the patties with salt and pepper before you throw them on the grill.

    Push down in the center of the patties, so they almost look donut shaped (these keeps them from plumping up too much)

    Make sure that grill is *hot* so they get a nice sear when you put them on.

    Don’t close the grill when they are cooking.

    When they are almost done, like 2 minutes left, put the cheese on them.

    As far as toppings go, ketchup, mustard, and mayo. Maybe pickles if that’s your thing.

    And there you have a simple, delicious burger.

  14. Just buy some buns instead of baking them and finding a seasoning that you like and mix it into the beef when you’re making the burgers. Also I would said the standard American burger usually has lettuce tomatoes and pickles and some ketchup and mustard

  15. I would recommend getting some toppings on the side. Lettuce, Tomato, Onion and of course ketchup/mustard. I would also recommend making some plain patties without cheese cause some people don’t like cheese(crazy, I know) and some people simply can’t have it.

    Trust me, *only* cheeseburgers is very bland, gotta have some varieties! Also just buy everything pre made like buns and what not.

  16. >and some American chese.

    Ugh. Put some sharp cheddar on it.

    For a simple cheeseburger: just add ketchup. If you want to make it really special (but no longer simple) add bacon.

  17. Depending on where you are, the store bought buns are probably not going to be very good or typical for a hamburger. Even the “American style” hamburger buns I used to get in Italy were kinda trash… if you can get your hands on some seeded buns or potato buns, all you really need is two 100g balls of ground beef, smash it on a flattop and let the edges crisp, flip it and add American cheese between the patties, butter and toast the bun… just a lil mustard or mayo on that would be very simple and good.

    Where I’m from a “simple” burger would only have mustard, pickle and onion. I noticed a lot of foreign places eat burgers with just one condiment – that’s abnormal in the states.

  18. You could make your own buns and pickles if you’re feeling ambitious, but typically we just buy them at the store.

    When we do cookouts, one person just cooks the burgers and lays cheese on top of the beef patties. But the lettuce, tomatoes, ketchup, etc… are all spread out on a table so people can use what they want.

  19. Dawg how are tomatoes and lettuce complicated? Anyways if you’re doing burgers just get buns, meat and cheese. You can just bring everything else and let them choose what they want. I don’t even like burgers and this isn’t that hard hahaha

  20. Mix some onion into the meat, sprinkle some lawry’s seasoned salt on top, add American or Cheddar slices.

  21. > I will just do simple cheeseburgers (NO LETTUCE, NO ONION, NO TOMATOES, MAYBE PICKLES).

    First of all, lettuce, tomatoes, and onions are baseline standard and not optional. If you try to serve cheeseburgers but not the most basic toppings you’re 100% going to get fired. You don’t have to add them to each burger yourself but they must be prepped and available.

    Serve buffet-style, so everyone can get a patty/bun and then add their desired toppings and condiments.

    Mayo, mustard and ketchup should all be provided.

    Make a few burgers with no cheese.

    Don’t bother making your own buns. Buy the packaged kind and toast them for a couple of minutes on the grill.

  22. Just watched The Menu last night, ready for some discourse on a proper cheap simple American cheeseburger.

  23. Are you American? I don’t know why someone in another country would be having a 4th of July party, but you don’t seem familiar with the concept of burgers in the way they’re typically served. You should talk to someone at work because typically the person providing the patties would not also be providing the condiments, lettuce, tomato, onion, etc. As others have said, DO NOT use Kraft singles. They’re not actually cheese. Just buy some sliced cheddar if you’re trying to keep it simple.

  24. For a basic American cheeseburger that matches what we’d make here in cattle country, you want 1/4 lb (110 grams) patties of 80/20 purchased from a reputable butcher. Season with just salt and pepper on both sides. Then cook to MEDIUM RARE or MEDIUM, any more than that and you’ve overcooked them.

  25. If you’re making food for other people, consider providing what other people tend to enjoy. A cheeseburger with “maybe” a choice of pickles isn’t a great offering.

  26. Put onions and mushrooms in a food processor and mix them in with the meat before you cook them.

    Trust me.

  27. I make burgers with half ground lamb half ground beef, salt and pepper. Delicious when grilled properly

  28. A party pack of condiments is often ketchup, mustard, and relish. You are fine with just those. Don’t really need to make fresh buns. Just please season the burgers before they go on the grill.

  29. Onion and garlic powder mixed into the burgers before grilling

    Strongly recommend having lettuce available for people to add to their burger.

  30. Go to a butcher and get your ground beef with a good amount of fat. That’s all you need to make a good simple burger, don’t worry about making buns or pickling. Get some charcoal to grill them.

    The deli by my house makes amazing charcoal grilled burgers, and are the only ones I enjoy eating plain. The meat is that good. So get some good meat.

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