Before you read this my friend group has a certain sense of humor. Average middle school boy sht.

I sent MULTIPLE pp pics to one of my mexican friends with strict parents. They went through his phone one day and found them, like a moron, my friend saved them. I know I was a moron okay? Judge all you want just tell me what do I do? (Not only pp pics, racist/offensive sht too) This was all months ago and I am not racist either, i’m better now.

My friend has been updating me and they said they were going to go to the school and get my parents info. He said this was highly illegal and offensive. Not sure abt illegal but i am a minor soo.

I’ve written a huge apology but idk how to get it to them before them telling my parents and showing them the pics of my shlong.

Answer these questions: How do I fix this, how do i get them to forgive me, and how do i not get my ass beat harder then mike tyson ripping that guys ear off?

schools still a couple months away but theyre most likely not gonna forget

  1. Sent it to your friend’s phone and then he can show it to his parent’s that’s if it’s a problem sending it to his parents directly

  2. Remember how you feel right now and don’t do that shit again. That’s 1. Don’t ever forget it. Don’t sent anything in writing/pics/video you wouldn’t want on a billboard or shown on the news.

    2: that is illegal material that can get them sent to jail. On serious charges. Idk what kind of phone you have, but Google/Apple scan for those kinds of pics and turn them over to the police. Google will delete your account. They’re not going to show/send anyone pics your junk, if they’re smart. If they’re really smart, they deleted it.

    3. This means you really need to worry about the text messages. Put your apology together now and be ready accept responsibility for what you said/did. That’s all you can do.

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