21M here. I was never the guy who had multiple girlfriends. In high school, I was much more popular during my senior year and a lot of women would talk to me, and still do.

However, I want to meet someone who sort of went through the same experiences as myself. Call that insecurity or whatever you’d like. I don’t really care.

My only question is if there are women my age that are like that. As a 21 year old, I don’t really want to date and 18 or 19 year old because…they’re “teens”. I prefer someone as close to my age as possible. I just don’t know if what I am doing is going to keep me alone or if it’s common. I really hope that it’s common and that there are women like myself. I want to only give my love to one person and that’s it, lol. It’s also the culture that I was brought up in but I won’t be getting into that.

Anyways, I appreciate any advice, thank you!

  1. If dozens of women that you found attractive offered to sleep with you every day. Would you still be a virgin?

  2. It’s not an insecurity my brother! You deserve who you want and should be able to find her! Now I’m 38 so I’m not the person to ask about current lifestyles of “twenty somethings,” but what I will say is that I was a school counselor for over five years not too long ago and that sentiment, to save one’s self for something special is not unheard of.

    I wish you the best of luck my dude! Take care!

  3. It really depends on the person and their view on physical intimacy.

    I completely understand the want to be with one person.

    Statistically proven it’s not as common. However that doesn’t mean other virgins do not exist.

    Would it be lovely to meet another virgin and share your first time together, yes. BUT if someone truly loves you, values you, respects you, is committed to you, and they are not a virgin, please do not hold the virginity thing against them. You never know what you could be missing out from.

  4. 21F here. I’m a virgin, and I’m proud to be one. I’ve only ever been in one relationship – lasted 2.5 months. We were sensually intimate but no sex. That was a barrier I told him and part of the reason why I ended things with him.

  5. i’m 20f and still a virgin. i was very depressed and anxious all of high school and got not one ounce of male attention. i still don’t get very much now to be honest. but i’m okay with that because i want my first boyfriend to be someone special. i’m trying to have some faith that it will happen some what soon lol

  6. Boy you’re still a child yourself stop acting high and mighty some of those 18-19 year olds are more mature than 30 year olds.

    Don’t generalise and just find someone who is a good person who you connect with on an intellectual and emotional level.

  7. Plenty of women in their early 20’s are also virgins. You seem to have a pretty idealized image of relationships though. The odds of your first relationship actually being the right one for you is low. So, this concept of only ever “giving your love to one person” is likely unrealistic.

  8. Thanks for the encouragement, counselor! Hopefully, I’ll find my special someone before I hit 38 too.

  9. I’m not sure about if it’s common just because I don’t know what other girls are deciding with Virginia but I am one, so they are definitely out there.

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