And every single detail keeps replaying in my head… for hours. Do men replay these moments in their head too? Just curious!

  1. definitely. after a particularly fun session my bf will often text me the day after reminiscing

  2. No, not unless we’re very young. One fuck isn’t that much more noteworthy than another after 25

  3. Girl, we damn sho do, but for more than hours. The hottest encounters last us a life time. Or maybe I’m just a freak..

  4. I’ve had something replay in my head for a decade now. Sometimes it’s like that…

  5. Yeah. I can write an essay about my first sex experience when I was at 13. Not gonna forget any of that

  6. For me, not the graphical or physical nature of it, but I do daydream about her enjoyment and appreciation. However, I imagine I might think more of the physical aspect if I lost her. Sex doesn’t linger on my mind. Sex is work. I don’t daydream about work. Instead of getting paid money, I get satisfaction at the end of it and that’s what’s on my mind.

  7. My partner is amazing in bed, the best I’ve ever had. I often replay it in my mind but he doesn’t. He has ADHD and said as soon as it’s over his mind is all over the shop.

  8. Yes – my last GF broke my heart …. But I still think of her bouncing on my c*ck with her long brown hair flowing and swaying, her breasts bouncing, hips rocking….probably never forget it

  9. I still remember our first time and every minute details… In short yes we do

  10. Just curious! To know
    What makes you feel “had amazing sex with my boyfriend”
    Was it first time?
    Or what?

  11. I, a man, never had “Amazing” sex, so I couldn’t tell you.

    What was amazing about the sex? Im not asking for a blow-by-blow (pun not intended), but exactly what factors led you to conclude the sex was amazing.

    *Readies pencil and notepad*

  12. Yes, and not just the visuals…..the taste, smell, feel, its all binded to the memory.

    When he’s smelling your scent on his shirt later, it’ll remind him and he’ll replay it in 4K!

  13. I have had guys talk about it even a couple of years after the act. So, yes, they do.

  14. Yes! My one ex girlfriend, after an amazing session, an hour or so later just randomly sneaks in a kiss and we started making out again. And most recent girl, kept telling me all she wanted was me to come back over and do it again.

  15. FOR YEARS! This is equivalent to the greatest porn video a guy has ever seen. The looks, the smells, the feels, the emotions. Absolutely

  16. They definitely do! I had a date last week… he’s messaged me a few times along the lines of “I’ve been thinking about how you did….” and I’m over here like oh yeah, I forgot about that haha

  17. I could but I don’t. We fuck then we finish off the lobby in CoD.

    Simple and sweet.

  18. A man will replay every single moment of that one time he got a compliment, for the rest of his life.

    So yes. We do

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