My boyfriend and I got into a fight after he made a remark about not wanting to hang out with me on my birthday. All within the same day, I didn’t talk to him very much, told him my feelings were hurt, and that I am just upset right now. My boyfriend’s response to this was to get annoyed and angry and slam dishes around when doing the dishes. He also got a little aggressive when asking me to do things. This has been an issue before; I have told him in the past that his aggressive behavior when he is angry is unacceptable. Anyways, we have each other’s location and on my way home I pulled over to cry. He sent me a text asking me why I’m in a random parking lot, and then said I’m either crying or cheating.

I responded to his text with a sarcastic remark about how ridiculous cheating on him in a parking lot in broad daylight is, and he completely went off of on me about how he’s “fucking sick of my petty bullshit” and if I want to act like a “fucking bitch” then he’ll reciprocate. He sent me a few more texts and I told him that the way he is acting and talking to me is unacceptable, he said “sorry you piss your pants every time I get angry” and I told him that I’m sorry he’s upset my feelings were hurt. He responded with “tough” and I haven’t contacted or heard from him since.

I talked to both of my parents and a few friends, everyone seems to think I should break up with him. I am starting to see why that might be best for me, but I love him so much and 95% of the time he treats me very well. I also don’t want to be going through a break up right before/on my birthday. Additionally, some of my friends and parents think my future safety may be compromised if I give him another chance. Any advice on what to do?

  1. You gotta break up. It sucks that it’s happening around your birthday, but it’s not much worse than being in this shitty relationship on your birthday! At least this way you will be free from his bullshit and able to do fun shit with people who care about you!

    It’s going to be really hard, but you know it’s the right thing to do. This guy is an asshole and has anger issues… no thanks! Being alone sounds scary, but I promise it’s better than this. And bring single when you’re 20 is fun!

    You won’t be alone. Spend time with friends and family, and be vulnerable with people it will feel good. Do fun shit with them, or by yourself. Dive into your hobbies or pick up a new one. Read a book, work out.

    You’ll be ok with time I promise. time truly does heal all wounds. It starts with ending it AND cutting off contact and blocking him everywhere.

  2. You don’t want to listen to your friends and family, but you’ll listen to Reddit strangers? I don’t think so. I think you are looking for someone to give you a reason to stay. You already know you should end it. Birthday or not.

  3. Sounds like it is over whatever you do

    Not wanting to see you on your birthday is a big sign that he is pulling away. Now he has gone radio silence after being rude and verbally agressive.

    I’m am not sure why you would want to rekindle, but I am not sure there is anything to rekindle.

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