The title. Jeez, it’s like I have to carefully choose my word otherwise the girl will be either creep out or offended. So much for treating women as a person, as a man.

Edit: I am not someone who talks about weird shit when I first meet a person, what I do is like to crack jokes, not make fun of anybody.

  1. if you’re noticing a trend, then the problem is most likely you not women. there’s probably a good chance you’re just being an asshole or weird because of all the women i know are pretty good at telling if a guy is passing vibe checks and feels safe to be around, and it sounds like you’re repeatedly failing that.

    especially with the “so much for treating women as a person”, like cmon bro. is this your first time treating them *as* a person? that statement alone is pretty immature and naive

    unless by absolute chance the pool of women you’ve been talking to all happen to be batshit insane, you’re the common denominator. probably time to look in the mirror and address how your words and actions come off and affect other people

  2. The unspoken asterisk that comes along with “treat women like humans” is “that are understandably wary of strange men and consider you a potential threat.” I feel like talking about that more would clear up some confusion.

  3. Either you’re a creep or you’re hanging out with the wrong people.

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