How often am I supposed to text my friends? I know there is not a specific number of times but I feel like I should possibly reach out more. This may be a contributing factor as to why I don’t have many friends in college right now.

Anyways, me and one of the only friends I’ve made at college so far were talking and I was telling him about how this girl who gave me her number says I never text her. Of course I don’t, I have nothing to say. Why would I text someone when I don’t have anything to say? I really only text to set up plans or maybe send funny memes. I barely text my friend high school, but we’ve been friends for a while and neither of us really mind not texting for a while.

Some people don’t have that thought process though. They text their friends daily, weekly, bi-weekly, hourly, monthly?

So the question is, how often do you text your friends and how often should I be doing it? More specifically, what do you even talk about when you literally have nothing to say. No plans, no funny meme, no major life update.

1 comment
  1. okay here are things you can talk about when you have nothing to say –
    1) check in : it can be a good conversation starter
    2) talk ab ur common hobbies/interests
    3) current events : the titanic submarine led to great conversations for me personally
    4) nostalgia / memories : so this mainly applies to old friends but really it’s fun to look back and you can do so over text easily
    5) any potential future plans : it doesn’t have to be definite, like maybe you saw a good place that is opening, maybe you can talk about how you can watch the barbie movie (example) when it comes out

    it’s important to understand that texting isn’t about having deep and profound dicussions- though it can be that- but more so about maintaing a connection and showing your friends that you care. it doesn’t have to be everyday, find a balance that works for both you and your friend. and tbh nowadays almost everyone texts so maybe you should try texting that girl as well!

    personally i text my friends everyday, it could just be sharing tiktoks, but if im sick or something i just leave for a few days then come back. it’s totally fine to not like to text, but make sure you let your friends know, and just try to text at least once a week, it’s a good way to maintain relationships and stay engaged with others lives’.

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