29 y/o Male here.

Me and a few friends were out celebrating a friends birthday on Saturday evening, a female i’ve known for a year now was there, and much later into the night after several rounds, she grabbed me and kissed me, as the night progressed, the kissing did too.

Eventually, this would finish with us going home together. I’m not making excuses for the behaviour, what happened has happened, and I do have serious regrets.

It was my first ever one night stand, having only had 2 relationships previous to this, the recent one being 2 1/2 years ago.

I woke up yesterday morning, and I felt so sick to the stomach… I haven’t eaten properly, not drinking fluids, I feel shameful. Like a christian who’s sinned and deserves a flogging.

It took me until this morning to look my mother in the eye and apologise for my behaviour, and now i’m terrified of people passing judgement on me.

I’ve never believed in one night stands, and everyone I know believes me to be a gentlemen, upstanding lovely guy and I feel like i’ve completely tarnished myself, smeared myself in an odor that can’t be washed away.

I wake up, and no matter how much I shower or make myself fresh, I still feel like i’ve waded through a sewage drain, knee deep in shit and feel it too.

I just don’t know how to get past it, I feel like i’ve let everyone down.

It’s eating me inside out, I can’t shake it at all. I’ve had this conversation in my head over and over, and I keep telling myself I’m a good person, I’m still a good guy, trying to convince myself that things will be okay, and back to normal.

  1. We didnt know you got up to no good untill you told us….you cant be a real man if this is bothering you…

  2. Life is about learning lessons. Forgive yourself, apologise to the woman and move on.
    You should only feel bad if either of you were hurting someone else. Sex is normal, make better choices next time. Don’t blame the alcohol or the woman.

  3. Bro it’s okay, you’re allowed to define what you want out of sex and all that but don’t be disgusted

    Many problems with a one night stand come from when one of the two people lies to the other about there intentions to get laid, which obviously can hurt the other person but this isn’t what happened

    Look maybe one night stands aren’t for you and ya know that’s fine, but don’t let yourself be disgusted, you’ve not done anything wrong and you’ve definitely not hurt anyone

    You showed respect, didn’t force yourself on anyone, just chalk it up to experience and move on knowing you don’t like it

    Please don’t feel guilty bro honestly you’ve done nothing wrong

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