I’m coming up with a new shampoo brand. My wife thinks I will need to also make a conditioner to compliment the shampoo. I don’t think many guys use conditioner, but my wife disagrees.
I can’t think of a better way to poll a large number of guys, to find out roughly what percentage of guys use conditioner. Thanks!

[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/14jkewi)

  1. So I was running a new shampoo and conditioner line for men. This is not a good example of market research. You would be much better off going to salons and barbershops and seeing how much of each product they sell.

  2. Might be a good idea to add a third option, so you capture:

    1) men who have hair that would warrant conditioner but don’t use it anyway, and

    2) men whose hair or hairstyle doesn’t lend itself to conditioner, such as a short buzz or shave

  3. The issue isn’t that I do or don’t use conditioner (I do). The issue is that I don’t care about gendered shampoo or really the brand at all. I just use whatever is in the bathroom (whatever my partner buys). I’m not the one shopping for it.

    As far as I’m concerned they’re all basically the same in function with different scents and bottling. Seems like a really difficult (and over-saturated) market to try to break into.

  4. Sometimes? When I have long hair I use it, when it is short I don’t bother.

  5. FYI demographics and geographical matter. Not all hair types in all climates require consistent conditioner

  6. Depends on how long my hair is. If it’s really short there’s not much point.

  7. I would try to look at sales data (units not $ if possible) for brands focused on men as well as all brands. There will be lower units for men and even lower if you use $. Women’s haircare is generally more expensive and specific due in part to coloring and length of Women’s hair.

    I use conditioner about every other time I shampoo. I rinse my hair thoroughly every day. Shampoo about once a week (more I’d needed).

  8. I use head and shoulders 2-in-1 over my whole head. Then apply conditioner to my beard.

    When I had long hair I would shampoo it all and apply conditioner to the ends and the beard.

  9. Does beard count coz I am bald AF and pretty sure quite a few folks in this age range are also bald.

    I do shampoo my beard. No conditioner. Use coconut oil

  10. I use conditioner probably every 3 shampoos. Medium short hair (.25′ on back and sides, probably an inch on top, faded). I have very fine textured hair, by gobs of it. Balanced oiliness, and I use pomade or fiber paste to style (depending on the look I’m wanting… pomade for sleek; fiber for piecey and textured).

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