Women, what is a romance trope that pisses you off?

  1. the bad boy and the girl who chases after him because she can “fix him”, absolutely awful

  2. The friends with benefits turned lovers. I guess it does happen it real life but it’s the EXCEPTION, not the rule.

  3. People dumb enough to get involved in affairs thinking they’ll be the exception to the rule and he/she will leave their spouse for the AF and they’ll ride off into the sunset with an awesome relationship that’s 100% trusting, no jealousy, no cheating …. 😏

  4. The ‘nerdy main character gets the hot girl as a reward at the end even though they had zero chemistry and nothing in common’ trope

  5. ‘The One’

    I have always been annoyed by the idea that there is only one person on earth for anyone.

    it’s silly. We are not that unique.

  6. Pretty much all of them honestly. The two that tajj mye the cane for me are The best friends to lovers and the second chance at love and they’re somehow the soulmate but you didn’t have to look very far. Seeing people dive into situations thinking the tropes will be a reality or happily ever after usually makes me want to bang my head into a wall.

  7. All of them. Though the schlubby, lazy, loser guy winding up with the gorgeous, successful, and intelligent woman is right up there. Uh… most women want a partner, not a grown child to parent.

  8. The nerdy girl who takes off her glasses and the popular boy falls in love with her. Ugh 😩

  9. Miscommunication as a driving force of the conflict/plot, like you have to really convince me that it makes sense that these characters aren’t just sitting down and talking.

    Surprise pregnancy – I don’t hate it but I also just don’t like it.

    And I don’t like that so many HEAs end with an epilogue of the couple with kids or announcing a pregnancy. Where are the happy childfree couples at?

    Any book published after the year 2010 and it has a first sex scene where the virginal heroine has her hymen broken and first penetration is really painful. I want to sit that author down and have a talk about female anatomy.

    Instalove – I need some buildup and some romantic tension.

  10. enemies to lovers is boring now.

    the “i hate everyone but her” boyfriends

    men shutting a woman up by kissing her

    the good girl and the bad boy

    damsel in distress

    kidnapped by a mafia/cartel leader…..

    so basically most of them hahaha

  11. Hot guy bad
    Ugly guy good
    Hot girl learn her lesson about liking hot guy
    Ugly girl no exist

  12. The big public declaration after the other person has VERY CLEARLY turned them down. Just screams “I don’t understand consent and assume I know better than you about your own comfort.”

  13. “Even though every second matters in our survival I just need to kiss you now!” No. Fuck off, we are running for our lives, don’t touch me!

    Also, this could be solved with 15 seconds of conversation but instead we’re gonna let everything implode.

  14. Where he totally rejects her, eventually comes back into her life, does absolutely nothing redeemable to win her back, and she forgives him for everything! Like, no, don’t do that!!

  15. There are several:

    Genius insensitive guy and a dumb girl who chases after him no matter how much he disrespects her


    A nice, humble, and diligent guy and a very stubborn girl who has a very high ego and doesn’t apologize

  16. I agree with all the ones listed. I also hate the “cold” woman one. Where she’s supposed to be super bad ass, runs her mouth, is out of control with her emotions and has angry outbursts. Looking at you, Korean Dramas. lmao

  17. A woman getting together with a childhood friend. BORING. And also I am incapable of seeing my childhood friends in a sexual/romantic way. Just seems gross to me, like fucking a sibling.

  18. Back in the 80s, it was the trope about the strong career woman who threw it all away to be the perfect wifey for their spouse, who was generally an asshole.

  19. The public speech at the airport to try to get them back before it’s too late. 🙄

  20. The incredible arse-kicking badass woman in the first half of the film becoming an incapable damsel in need of rescue in the last half.

    Women just aren’t interesting if they can save themselves. 🙄

  21. The “best guy friend” who is secretly in love with the main character but she is in love with a douche who breaks her heart by cheating on her and she finally sees that the guy who cared about her the most was by her side all along 🙄🙄🙄🙄

  22. I hate the romance scene in the middle of a pitched battle. Who the heck wants to engage in passionate kissing while bullets are flying overheard?

    All I would want to do in that situation is DUCK AND RUN.

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