I know they’re purchased like any other item but how do you get over the anxiety? They’re always in such visible places in stores and it’s just nerve wracking for some reason. how does the sizes work?? Are some significantly better? I have no idea what Im doing. I’m also worried that my boyfriend wont enjoy it as much cause we’ve never used a condom before, but at the same time I gotta accept that I’m in highschool and I really can’t afford to be doing sketchy shit

  1. It’s easier to walk up to the counter with a box of condoms than with a box of diapers. If your boyfriend is average, just get any box that sounds good to you. If he’s thick but average length, go for the Magnums. If he’s thick and extra long, get the Magnum XLs.

    You’ll get over the anxiety. Pick up a few other things at the same time if you think it would help.

  2. He needs to figure out his size and whether or not you both are allergic to latex or lubricant. It’s not only his responsibility. Get him involved in going with you to get them. You won’t be shamed at the store. If I saw you, I would praise both of you for being safe. In high school, you need to be wrapping it up every single time.

  3. In reality, no one really cares what you’re buying but you can go to self checkout or buy from Amazon (even send to a Amazon Hub Locker to pick up yourself). There are different kinds of condoms but it mostly doesn’t matter. He could be allergic to latex so it would be safer to get non-latex just in case. Sizes can vary but most brands are the same size anyway and should be fine. If you are planning this together, it would be easier for him to just buy them himself and try them out before trying with you

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