Does anyone tell you good night by saying “sleep fast”?

  1. “Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite” is what my mom always said to me when I was a kid

  2. “Sleep fast” is what people say (or said; I don’t hear it much anymore) when it’s necessary to get up again in a few hours. Had a long day at the beach but need to get the family to the airport by 7am to fly home? “Nighty night, sleep fast” as you tuck the kid in.

  3. fast as in a synonym of tight then yes, “sleep tight” is a normal saying. Fast as in “quick” or “quickly” then no.

  4. You can be “fast asleep” but I’ve never heard anyone tell me to “sleep fast”

  5. To me, “sleep fast” doesn’t mean “good night.” It means “we have to be out of here in 6 hours or less.”

  6. No. There are a lot of ways to wish someone a pleasant sleep, but this isn’t one of them.

    Sleep tight, sleep sound, pleasant dreams, sweet dreams (very informal) — those are all ways to wish someone a good night when they’re going to be sleeping soon.

    “Sleep fast” would sound like you’re telling them to hurry up, sleep, and wake up ASAP. It isn’t something you’d say to someone to wish them a good night.

  7. No. I’ve heard “Sleep tight” though. Sleep fast sounds like something someone would tell me to scare me. “Sleep fast, u/CaughttheDarkness. Because sleeping slow invites **them**.”

  8. “Fast” can also mean ‘tight’ or ‘secure’. Personally I only see it used that way in books, not in person. So it makes sense grammatically but it may have fallen out of use.

  9. That’s what a serial killer in LA whispered to his victims while holding a chloroform rag over their mouths.


  10. never heard this. and frankly I would be insulted. I wanna sleep long and slow (I know this is not what is meant by “fast” here)

  11. Huh that’s interesting! I have never heard anyone say that phrase in my life

    Where does it come from?

  12. Someone must or you’d have never asked the question, is my best guess.

  13. I have heard the phrase before, but I have no idea where. I would assume that I did in some sort of media, books or movies etc.

  14. “Good night, sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite.” is the more common phrase (give or take bed bugs).

  15. In my family we say “sleep fast” when the person doesn’t have a lot of time to sleep lol. My dad worked rotating shifts when I was a kid and my stepmom started saying it. Now my boyfriend and I have taken up the tradition when one of us has to work a clopen.

  16. Yes, but only when we are hunting or fishing and have stayed up too late drinking beer and have to be up before the sun. Haha!

  17. I’ll say it to my kids if we have an early morning. Not frequently, but not weird in our house. My parents said it to me in the same context.

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