I ask this question as I’m baffled with some of the experiences I’ve had and need to know if others have had the same.

I’ve had parcels left in bins under rubbish, abandoned in the middle of the drive and the typical ‘a card has been left for you to see further instructions’ with no card in sight.

Anyone else have any wonderful experiences?

  1. Have some stairs outside my house, was signing for a parcel from Royal Mail and suddenly another parcel came flying over his shoulder onto my floor.. the Hermes driver didn’t want to walk all the steps and the box was full of wine glasses..

  2. Email from Evri: “we’ve delivered your parcel.” Blurry photo of a corner of a front door that was not my front door or any of the others in the block, with no identifying number in shot. Pin dropped on map at a location three streets away.

    What makes it worse was that they’d actually successfully delivered something else about an hour earlier.

  3. Mum was waiting for a pair of shoes and saw a (then) Hermes driver outside in his van fiddling with a parcel.

    He came to her door and scanned the package or whatever and left. After she closed the door, she noticed a massive slash along the side of the bag. She thinks he was trying to see if they were designer shoes or expensive trainers. No, just shoes for a 72 year old lol.

  4. Bad experience which turned into a good experience:

    I was expecting an important parcel that had been shipped from abroad. Tracking said it was “delivered,” but it most definitely was not. When I called the delivery company, the picture provided as “proof” was of my parcel sitting in the lobby of some building I’d never seen before, and the delivery guy had no idea where he’d left it. I assumed it was gone for good.

    Several days later, someone rings my buzzer. It was a Royal Mail postman who’d been out on his route and just happened to spot my parcel in the lobby of this random building, and went out of his way to bring it to me. Really reminded me that there are still some nice people out there.

  5. Went to take bins out at around 10pm and found a parcel in garden ripped open (think my scumbag downstairs neighbours did that), parcel was for a flat about 10 doors down so no idea why it was dumped it outside mine. I took it round to the right place, hate that they probably think it was me opening it. That was yodel.

  6. An email from Parcelforce saying they were unable to find my address.

    I live above a post office.

  7. He’s parked at the end of my cul de sac, I’ve asked for it to be delivered at my door. Texted and called when he rang to tell me he was here. Proceeds to park there still. At the time, I had a bad accident and my legs were hurting, doctors told me to rest it.

    Got a takeaway coz I didn’t feel like cooking and my lovely fiance is a lazy bastard. The man continued to be parked at the end despite me asking him to come to the door. Fiance had to leave a important meeting early to go out and get it. He got some attitude from the driver, said he’d been waiting there 10 minutes :/

  8. Used to live in a complex, not technically a street, we had plots with gates, but some of these plots were on the main road.


    had a fresh food box delivered, every other time had been fine, driver had come to our plot and dropped the box off with us, the very last time, they had stopped at the first gate on the main road (number 1, not 14 which was ours) and left it with them, proof was sent to us confirming this.


    This address also seemed to get a lot of our post, which gets opened and then put in our post box, fuck knows why, but also had bank cards stolen and messages from the bank which I had presumed were spam, when actually were genuine attempts to buy stuff online, and this address was culprit number 1.


    anyway, box delivered, they accept, deny that they have it for a few days, then mysteriously an empty gousto (IIRC) box with all the ice packs arrives outside my gate, but absolutely nothing else.


    I cant remember who they used for delivery, and argued that I never received the delivery and that it was stolen despite the proof that it was delivered to the wrong address.


    I cancelled my future orders then and there because they couldnt guarantee that the courier company wouldnt try to deliver to an alternative address again. Im not paying for someone else to get a weeks worth of meals at my expense.

  9. Had 3 packages delivered by Amazon, was told that they had been delivered and handed to resident.

    To find out they had in fact been delivered to the wrong house.

    I say wrong house, wasn’t even the same town or county for that matter, they were delivered some 20+ miles away.

  10. Delivered a camera to my blue bin, which was promptly emptied by the council. Company I bought it from were great and I had a new camera within a few days but dealing with Hermes was awful.

  11. A couple of years ago I lived in a hostel and all post was delivered to the office, rather than the individual flats. There were staff in the office 24/7 so it was pretty much impossible to miss a delivery. But when I ordered a parcel, I got a text saying the driver had ‘missed’ me. I contacted DPD and explained that he couldn’t have missed me because of the office situation, and they said the driver would attempt delivery the next day. But the next day, the same thing happened. And it happened again on the third day. I did eventually get the parcel, but that was after a different person delivered it (it said the person’s name in the notification text so I knew it was someone else, the first three attempts were all the same guy)

  12. Had a driver from Herpes climb my gate and spend several minutes nosing around trying to get in my locked garage and then have a good look around my outbuildings too.

    Brilliantly, I was mid poop so could only watch out of the window until done and I legged it outside and offered violence as I had no clue who he was at that time.

    Prick. He wouldn’t speak to me for about a year after that if I opened the door for a delivery but he never climbed the gate again.

  13. I’ve been pretty lucky, the only one that I’ve had where I was starting to worry was the postman put a package containing a new phone….somewhere!

    I looked everywhere, shed, over the fence, bins, asked neighbors both sides…

    Contacted the company to let them know it was a lost parcel, then that evening it turned up when I went to do the washing up – because they’d put it though the window into my washing up bowl!

  14. My wife ordered something very special for our daughter and the day it arrived she had a photo showing someone else’s door saying it had been delivered. I had to run around the entire neighbourhood, checking all the streets for the house numbered the same as ours to try and find the missing parcel.

    After an hour my wife messaged me to say that the courier had sent just sent through a GPS location shown that led me straight to the missing parcel.

    We recovered the parcel okay, but I was exhausted at the end of it!

  15. I live in a block of flats and the number of times Amazon just dumps stuff outside or in the lobby and marks as “delivered to reception desk”. We have no such thing.

    Tbf Amazon refunds or sends replacement out immediately but it’s annoying.

  16. An incident my father told me about years ago, before mobile phones, GPS, and before everybody had internet access.

    He’s a retired postman and when he was working had a post round in the Devon countryside. Lots of narrow winding rough farm roads with little in the way of road signs.

    He comes across a courier who is completely lost trying to deliver a parcel to a farm. Courier asks my father if he can give him directions. Sure my father says and draws a map for him then the vans depart in opposite directions.

    Around 30 minutes later my father drives up to a village Post Office to pick up the letters posted there and meets the courier there who is now at the Post Office counter buying postage so the Royal Mail can deliver the parcel that he’s meant to be delivering.

    Apparently the courier took one look at the narrow country lanes and didn’t want to drive up them.

  17. Evri once “successfully delivered” a parcel while I was out and said “placed by conservatory doors”. All well and good except I don’t have a conservatory and there was nothing at the French doors into the garden.

    I couldn’t find it anywhere so complained to them and the seller, got a refund from the seller but Evri were insistent they had delivered it. I eventually found it 3 days later behind my shed at the end of the garden in amongst old wood off cuts, garden waste for the tip and hidden underneath a dismantled trampoline.

    Also had Amazon leave a parcel in my bin, on bin day while I was out. Guess what happened there?

  18. I ordered a McDonald’s meal for my daughters and myself and fancied a hot chocolate with my meal, When it the order arrived my hot chocolate had tipped out into the bag he said he was sorry and I took a photo of the spilt drink in his bag. Everything else was fine I just didn’t get my hot chocolate but I went on the app and said my order was ruined because the hot chocolate spilt they gave me a refund for the whole order so that was lucky

  19. Order PC monitor from Dell

    Delivered by UPS

    Box has a huge hole in it, monitor panel damaged.

    Contact Dell for replacement, they apparently can’t sort out picking up the original, I have to call UPS.

    Extremely manual process comprising of people, phonecalls, and paperwork. Automation hasn’t been invented apparently.

    Eventually I sort it, have to put a return to sender label on and organise UPS man to pick up.

    Returned box reaches the depot, they inspect it and find it to be damaged. They return it to sender.

    I am the sender.

    < Gru meme >

    It gets sent back to me.

  20. My favourite was when the medication for my horrendous back pain was left on the floor.

    I mean, it makes sense, but the irony of not being able to reach it was hilarious.

  21. I once ordered a microwave from currys which was delivered by DPD, the guy knocked on the door and put it on the floor before i answered.

    He took my name and a photo of the parcel and then quickly went back to his van, when i picked it up you could clearly hear glass rattling around inside and once opened the whole glass front panel was smashed.

    Currys exchanged it for us but it was still an inconvenience.

    Another time a different company delivered my mum’s passport to the wrong address with a completely different house number, thankfully the person whose house it was posted it to the correct address.

  22. Ordered sushi while living in a tower block in Shoreditch – food was 20 minutes late when the buzzer rang. Nobody was there when I answered, so I went down to look and did a quick circuit of the building – moped there but no delivery driver. Went back upstairs to find the driver in our bathroom wiping blood off his face. He’d been mugged of our food and his mobile outside the block – I had somehow missed him and my girlfriend had let him in. He didn’t want to call the police, but he rang the sushi place and told them what happened. He then went downstairs again, then called up again to ask us to call the police as somebody had now nicked his moped.

    Never did get that sushi.

  23. When I wasn’t home, Amazon delivered me a parcel for a massive garden box that was meant for someone else entirely on the other side of the country. Meanwhile my order must have been delivered to them. I can only imagine how disappointed they were to receive one of those collapsible tubes kids play in rather than their garden box. It was a pain to return as wasn’t anywhere near the size of the item I’d purchased, and the poor currier couldn’t fit it in his car.

    On a separate experience, amazon delivered a Christmas present to the entrance way of the block of flats I was in at the time and in the 5 minutes it took me to get down, someone had pinched it. I searched all the nearby blocks for it to no avail. Found it half an hour later ripped open and ditched it in the block of flats next door. That area had a spate of parcel thefts, many being found ripped open in bushes outside of the estate.

  24. We had a driver who would constantly walk into our house without knocking and give us parcels. Even though I own a 60kg dog who is a softy but also has a very big bark and would charge at the door and this guy gave no fucks.

    I complained to the company so many times, and he finally got the message the day I had a delivery of said dogs raw food. Instead of knocking he just put a card through saying I was out, and didn’t deliver it (even though it had must be delivered all over it, i reckon he couldn’t be bothered to lift it off the van). The depot said he’d move on and couldn’t come back but I could collect or he could redeliver two days later. 40kg of raw meat petrified in his van didn’t it.

  25. Was wandering downstairs to get a drink one morning in just my pants and a not-especially-modest tank top, and a delivery driver had basically just walked all the way inside my house with a parcel, and acted like it wasn’t weird at all.

    No knock ring of the doorbell, and I get trying the front door and leaving it in the porch if no-one had answered, but going through both doors and just standing in the hallway? Fucking weird and creepy.

  26. I once forgot to lock my front door before having a shower. Came back downstairs after and found a massive parcel sitting in my hallway. No one else was home.

    We now have 2 kids who like to escape, so the front door is always locked and we had a second door installed on the inside of the porch that has a normal lock on it and an extra lock at the very top so the kids can’t reach.

    So sometimes we get stuff delivered through the living room window, which is 2 metres off ground level.

  27. Had a good one today! Royal Mail delivered a parcel to me earlier, photo of it outside my door sent by email. Of course I’m at work, so keeping fingers crossed it’s still there get home.

    Ha ha, it was but had been slit open and put back down – guess whoever had a look didn’t want three Christmas stockings that I’d gotten cheap in an online shop?!

    They left them there in disgust I guess!

    Well chuffed tbh!!

  28. Hermes said they had delivered, with a picture of a door I didn’t recognise, with big visible numbers on the door that were not even the same as mine. Of course, Hermes were useless.
    Turned out my parcel was delivered to a village 20 minutes away, with a completely different street name. Luckily, the woman worked in my town, and brought it to me the next day.

    Over the years, I have had 3 separate incidences where people have brought a wrongly delivered parcels, all from Hermes.

  29. Bad food delivery from an Uber Eats or Deliveroo rider (I can’t remember as my wife had given birth to my daughter the day before).

    Our first full day home, my wife wanted some KFC after nine months of the smell putting her off. It was raining pretty heavy outside. The delivery arrived and the bucket and paper bags were absolutely soaked through and no good anymore. The rider then proceeded to try and individually hand me wet pieces of chicken from his carrier box and have me accept the delivery. I didn’t but I was just stunned the delivery rider thought I’d be happy with accepting food his grubby hands had been all over.

  30. Partner ordered the new Zelda game, we get a notification that it’s being delivered by Evri (so immediate worry). A parcel arrives & Evri is saying the game has been delivered – the parcel contains 2 Shein t-shirts.
    We realise there is another shipping label under the one with my partners name on it – the label underneath states it’s from Shein & is addressed to a woman. So someone has taken our package, and has presumably stuck our delivery label on a cancelled order or something & sent that instead.
    We opened a dispute and got it sorted but it is by far the biggest piss take we’ve ever had getting something delivered!

    **TLDR:** Someone at Evri stole our copy of Legend of Zelda; Tears of the Kingdom & sent some Shein t-shirts instead. Lesson learnt; never order from Game – they use Evri for delivery

  31. I live in a towerblock that’s looked after by a housing association. It’s kept pretty nice, no concierge or anything like that, but its well maintained, in a nice area, and the HA have a no tolerance attitude.

    What annoys us (and the housing association) is the number of Amazon deliveries that get left downstairs in the lobby and get marked as delivered is a right pain in the a**.. plus some of the residents passing by pick up the Parcels (despite there being cameras in the lobby) and if it’s something they can’t use they claim their kid opened it and deliver it opened. The HA destroy anything they find left in the lobby as its a fire hazard (Grenfell) and have left signs around, but I guess people don’t always have the temperament to read them.

    It happens as well with people who have maybe taken on deliveries as a side job and aren’t too used to towerblocks. It’s infuriating. I actually had one person call me because she didn’t want to leave her baby in the car to make a delivery so I had to go and retrieve it.

    Same if we’re getting big furniture pieces or carpet delivered.. they won’t take it in to the lift so I get my adult kids to meet them and they bring them in the lift.


  32. UPS is the spawn of satan, had a package shipped express from USA, said delivery tomorrow then at the depot then delivery tomorrow, rang customer service who had the cheek to tell me they tried 3 times to deliver it (*bro I’ve not left my house*?!).

    Then they ‘lost’ it, before it was then rescanned in fucking Germany for some reason, and three days lter it arrived at nearly 8pm.

    Will never, ever use them again.

  33. We used to live in a flat above a betting shop, you had to go round the back into the back alley to access our flat.

    My partner ordered a burrito once and the driver couldn’t be arsed coming round the back. Before my partner even had a chance to say anything the driver threw it like a rugby ball up a storey at our window.

  34. My worst expereinces were all the times I waited in for a CityLink delivery and they’d run to the door, put a card in and run away. So even though I was essentially keeping an eye (or ear) out all day I didn’t get my parcel.

    Recently though I’ve had 2 parcels. One was for someone who lives on a completely different road and the other was the right address but not someone who lives here. In that case it’s not the courier but presumably that person can’t manage to type their own address in correctly

    Oh, just remembered another one. I got woken up early one morning by a guy trying to deliver something and I was sure he had the wrong address and he was sure he didn’t. I told him to hang on and closed to front door to check and when I came back he’d gone. I assume he figured it out in the end.

  35. My worst experience can be encapsulated in one word – Evri.

    It boggles my mind how they exist.

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