Would like to know if men do certain things in bed when they care for/love their partner vs when they don’t have an emotional attachment. Or the sex does not change at all regardless if there’s an attachment or not. Thanks

  1. Well… If he makes sure you come first and/or often before he either starts or finishes that is usually a good sign that they’re not just in it to get off.

  2. As a man I hope that my love comes through for my partner during sex (and I’m pretty sure it does) but I don’t think I do anything different sex act wise

  3. Generally making sure you’re comfortable in certain positions. Mine always brushes my hair out of my face for me in a gentle way and caresses my face.

  4. Making sure that I’m comfortable in positions, making me come first, helping me come, light touches, holding hands, brushing hair out of my face.

  5. Its going to come down to the guy. Some guys may have strong feelings but be bad lovers or unskilled. Some guys may have antisocial personality disorder but have a high social intelligence, bodily kinesthetic intelligence and have learned behavior to mimic the appropriate care and emotions. There is no magic trick to knowing a person’s feelings.

    While sex is an intensely emotional thing, and a conversation people have using their bodies to express emotion and desire, it isn’t cut and dry either, it is an immensely complicated endeavor.

  6. Sex is one thing, but intimacy is something different.

    Things like forehead kisses, checking in, gently stroking up an arm, brushing hair out of the face, a hand on the small of the back as you walk by…

    If those kinds of things carry over into sex, is much more affectionate and intimate than two horny humans going at it for the sake of going at it. And also brings forward emotions you don’t always expect.

  7. No. Don’t gauge anything on sex. Gauge it on how he treats you outside of sex. It’s a much more accurate barometer.

  8. I noticed my bf will give me a pillow to make sure I’m comfortable, hold my hand, kiss my forehead(the best thing when you’re getting freaking railed I promise), or just straight up saying it.

    It should feel like genuine love and care. Thats different for everyone but a man that really loves you will make that clear in the sheets you wound have to question it

  9. i noticed that they start moaning or looking me in the eye after a few times of fucking, pretty sexy ngl

  10. Consider the two ends of the spectrum: A man who doesn’t care about you at all will focus primarily on his pleasure. A man who loves you will try to maximize your pleasure. Therefore actions that make you happy with no benefit (or even a cost) to him are actions that indicate care. Asking you how you’re doing, bringing you water or towel or snacks, going down on you, rubbing your clit, responding to your cues are all signs that he cares about you.

  11. I’d like to know this too….my FWB is here every weekend, he’s helping me around the house, the cats love him….is it more? I’ve never been in an adult relationship so I’ve got no idea…
    @u/Impressive_Delay3919 sorry to hijack your post!

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